SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly

Sahu Ramnarain Murli Manohar Government Ayurved College & Hospital, (Government Ayurved College Bareilly) is a well-known Uttar Pradesh Government Ayurvedic College. Govt. Ayurvedic College Bareilly or SRM Govt Ayurvedic College Bareilly would be the college’s popular name. Government Ayurvedic College, Bareilly was established in 1966. The National Commission for Indian System Of Medicine- NCISM. has approved the Govt. Ayurvedic College Bareilly and is affiliated with Mahayogi Guru Gorakhnath AYUSH University, Gorakhpur.

Bansmandi is home to the Sahu Ram Narayan Murlimanohar Government Ayurvedic College and Hospital. The UP government manage this college, and 75 students for the BAMS course are admitted each year. It has its hospital, and students will be required to practice and complete internships.

SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly

SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly Highlights

College NameSahu Ramnarain Murli Manohar Government Ayurved College & Hospital, Bareilly
Popular NameSRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly, Govt Ayurved College Bareilly
Institute TypeGovernment
LocationBansmandi  Bareilly, UP
Affiliated withMahayogi Guru Gorakhnath AYUSH University, Gorakhpur
Approved byNational Commission for Indian System Of Medicine- NCISM.
Hostel FacilitiesYes (for Male)
Official Website
CategoryBAMS Colleges in Uttar Pradesh
UG Entrance testNEET Exam conducted by NTA 
Contact DetailsAddress: Gangapur, Uttar Pradesh – 243003.
Admission Helpline No: 9289495501

Affiliation, Recognition, and Achievement

  • Affiliated with: Mahayogi Guru Gorakhnath AYUSH University, Gorakhpur
  • Approved by: National Commission for Indian System Of Medicine- NCISM
  • Aid Status: Government

Facilities Provided

  • Museum
  • Library
  • Herbal Garden


  • Department of  Samhita, Sanskrit Evam Siddhant (Basic Principles)
  • Department of  Rachana Sharir (Anatomy)
  • Department of  Kriya Sharir (Physiology)
  • Department of  Dravyaguna (Pharmacology & Pharmacognosy)
  • Department of Ras Sastra & Bhaisajya Kalpana (Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics)
  • Department of Swasthavritta (Preventive & Social Medicine including Yoga)
  • Department of Agadatantra, Vyavharayurved Evam Vidhi Vaidyak  (Toxicology & Medical Jurisprudence)
  • Department of Roga Nidan (Clinical DiagnosisPathology)
  • Department of  Prasuti Tantra Evam Stri Roga (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
  • Department of  Kaumarbhritya (Pediatrics)
  • Department of  Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine)
  • Department of  Shalya Tantra (General Surgery)
  • Department of  Shalakya Tantra (Eye, ENT, dentistry)
  • Department of  Panchakarma  (Bio-Purification Therapy)

Faculty and Staff

This college has a good ratio of well-trained and highly educated faculty members who are equipped with cutting-edge technology. It also provides a sufficient number of non-technical staff to provide a self-learning environment for the students. SRM Government Ayurvedic College, Bareilly is responsible for contributing to and maintaining the institution’s medical education standards. All of the campus’s faculty adheres to the following policies:

  • Describe appropriate care based on the best scientific evidence available.
  • Reduce incorrect variation in value-based methods.
  • Provide more rational and practical behaviour concerning the subject being taught.
  • Increasingly focusing on continuing education
  • to encourage the effective use of available resources
  • To serve as the focal point for quality control, including auditing.
  • To draw attention to the shortcomings of existing literature and to make recommendations for future research.

Courses offOfferedIntake Capacity

BAMS5 Years 6 Months75


BAMS Syllabus

This section will inform you about the SRM Government Ayurvedic College, Bareilly BAMS Syllabus Let us take a look.

First ProfessionalSecond ProfessionalThird ProfessionalFourth Professional
Padartha Vigyan And Ayurved ItihasDravyaguna VigyanAgadtantraKayachikitsa
SanskritRoga NidanSwasthavrittaPanchkarma
Kriya SharirRasashastraPrasuti Tantra Evum Stri RogaShalya Tantra
Rachana SharirCharak SamhitaKaumarbhritya ParichayaShalakya Tantra
Maulik Siddhant Avum Ashtang Hridaya–Charak Samhita (Uttarardha)Research Methodology And Medical Statistics

BAMS Internship

Here this section will let you know about BAMS Internship. Let’s have a look.

Sr. No.DepartmentsDistribution of six monthsDistribution of twelve months
(i)KayachikitsaTwo monthsFour Months
(ii)ShalyaOne monthTwo months
(iii)ShalakyaOne monthTwo months
(iv)Prasuti evam StrirogaOne monthTwo months
(v)Balroga-KaumarabhrityaFifteen daysOne month
(vi)PanchakarmaFifteen daysOne month

Fees Structure

Course NameGraduationFees
Note: The above-mentioned fee may vary from the actual and is subject to change. To know the updated fee structure, Candidates are requested to connect with the Counselling Expert at Admission Helpline No. 9289495501

Ranking and Reputation

Name of InstituteSRM Government Ayurvedic College, Bareilly

Contact Details

SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly

  • Address: Gangapur, Uttar Pradesh – 243003.
  • Admission Helpline No: 9289495501
  • Email: 
  • Official Website:

BAMS College Predictor

BAMS College Predictor employs a novel algorithm that analyses the opening and closing ranks of the previous year’s Ayush counselling data to determine the best college for you to pursue Medical Studies. It forecasts your chances of admission to the medical school of your preference.

BAMS Admission Consultant thoroughly helps students with Ayurvedic counselling and top Ayurvedic college criteria.

NEET Counseling Experts

To know better, NEET Counseling Experts have developed user-friendly tools to assist in determining students’ goals. To receive assistance throughout the entire NEET Counseling process, till you are admitted to your preferred medical college. 

AYUSH counseling expert

AYUSH counselling experts with years of experience offer their experienced counselling services so that even individuals with low NEET scores and limited financial resources might gain admission to their respective AYUSH courses.

AACCC (AYUSH Admissions Central Counseling Committee) is responsible for the 15% All India Quota.

This is a Centralized counselling committee established by the Ministry of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (AYUSH) of the Government of India for admission to UG and PG programmes. 

In this case, the entire admissions procedure is done online, from registration to seat allocation. Students from all states in India who have qualified for NEET 2024 are eligible for admission, regardless of where they live. 

AACCC grants admission to these AYUSH Institutions for BAMS, BHMS, BSMS, and BUMS programmes. There are various sorts of institutions in this category, including government, government-aided, central universities/national institutions, and deemed universities.


  • AIQ online counselling will be conducted in three rounds: Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3/Mop Up Round.
  • The seats that remain unfilled under AIQ after the third/mop-up round of AACCC counselling be transferred/returned to the respective states.

Eligibility Criteria

Entrance Exam:Common Entrance Examination test (CEE ,Uttar Pradesh)/ NEET Entrance Exam
NativeUttar Pradesh
Age:At least 17 years old
To apply, applicants must have passed the 10+2 exam or an equivalent examination from a recognized educational institution.Applicants must have a minimum 50% marks in P,C,B&E(Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English) as required subjects, with 40 % marks for SC/ST applicants and 45 % marks for PwD students. 
BAMS Admission
BAMS Admission

Admission Process

AACCC AYUSH Counselling
AACCC AYUSH Counselling 2024

AACCC counselling begins approximately 15-17 days after NEET 2024. AACCC will issue the results and schedule for AYUSH counselling AACCC allocates seats based on the merit of the NEET score. After seat allocation, participants will be granted an allotment letter on the AACCC website; after downloading the allotment letter from here, they must report to the allotted college with the original documentation.

Registration: 15 – 17 days after AACCC announces the NEET 2024 results on their website However, according to the schedule for admission to the AYUSH Course, registration for counselling will begin, and candidates must register here. Following that, the registration fee and security deposit must be paid. That is as follows:

For – 15% AIQ

1) Nonrefundable Registration Fees – Rs. 1000/- for all candidates.

2) Refundable Security amount – Rs. 10,000/- for all candidates.

At the time of registration, all category candidates would be charged Rs. 11,000/-.

Reset Registration

If a candidate has registered for a Government Institution by paying the Registration fees + Security fees, and then wants to register for Deemed, he can use the Reset Registration option. They must pay Registration and Security expenses for Deemed. It will come once they have completed the following steps: Tab Home – Candidate Details – Choice – Lock Print Choices – Unlock Choice. However, keep in mind that this option can only be used once.

Choice filling:

The choice filling is a crucial component of counselling and should be done with care. When filling out the form, keep the following points in mind: 

a) Fill out the top college first; if the marks are poor, fill out a college with a good education.

b) Fill the low-fee college first, because there are many colleges with very high fees.

b) After filling out top college, they must fill out state college.

d) Before choosing Deemed University, get information from its website or call the college’s helpline number. Check other charges such as Hostel, Mess, Sports, and so on in addition to the college tuition rates.

e) Access information on the Bond from the Participating Institute via the AACCC web portal.

f) Prioritize such a state so that one can benefit from PG.

h)  Give Old Medical College top priority. Last but not least, fill the new college.

Counselling Process

AACCC conducts online counselling for the First, Second Round and 3rd/Mop Up Round of All India Quota/Central University/National Institute and Deemed University for admission in BAMS, BHMS, BSMS and BUMS courses.

First Round Counseling

After registering on the AACCC website and paying the registration and security fees, the results of the first round will be released by AACCC based on the choices made by the candidate in the first round. The provisional result is published first, followed by the final result if there are no problems or objections. Some of its key points are as follows:

1) The first round is an open exit round. There is no need for the student to join the designated seat in this case, and the security money they deposited will be refunded to them after counselling in the same account from which they deposited. In addition, they will be qualified for the next round of AACCC and state counselling.

2) If they are assigned a seat in the first round and wish to accept it, they just download the allotment letter from the AACCC website and report to the allotted college with the original documents. Admission formalities must be fulfilled by depositing a one-year fee and original documentation in the designated college.

3) If they desire a better college than this by participating in the second round, they must provide this designated college the with choice of upgrading and participating in the second round. In this case, one must choose Yes in the upgrade willingness option. If they are happy with their first-round seat and do not want to participate in the second round, choose No on the upgrade option form.

4) 4) If a candidate entered the seat in the first round and subsequently wishes to leave because you have a better seat in your state, they can quit that seat before the AACCC’s second round registration begins. Its due date is announced by AACCC. Before that day, go to the first-round college and resign from their assigned seat, as well as retrieve one’s original paperwork and deposit money.

5) If a candidate is denied a seat in the first round, they’re eligible for the second round.

Second Round Counseling

All the candidates are eligible for the second round who has participated in the first round. Those who have not registered in the first round can register in the second round. Those candidates who had registered in the first round do not need to do them again. But in the second round, all the candidates will have to make a fresh choice. The choice fill of the first round will not be considered in this round, they are automatically removed. Like the first round, the first provisional result is published in this too, after there is no problem or objection to it, the final result is published. Some of its important points are as follows:-

1) If a candidate wishes to join the AACCC Fresh Seat allotted in the second round, they must download the allotment letter from the AACCC website and report to the allotted college with the original documentation. Admission formalities must be fulfilled by depositing a one-year fee and original documentation in the designated college.

2) If a candidate is assigned a seat in AIQ / Deemed in the second round and chooses not to accept it, they will not incur any loss. They will receive their Security Money back. They will also be eligible for additional counselling. Yahan’s free exit is till they join it. After joining, the candidate is unable to leave that post.

3) If a candidate receives a seat allotment in AIQ/CU/NI/Deemed in the second round and accepts it, but then wishes to resign from that seat for any reason, they may do so after the following round of AACCC and state counselling. Will not be considered.

4) Hon’ble Supreme Court Order No. WP(C) 267/2017 Dated May 9, 2017, for contempt.

5) If a candidate’s seat is upgraded in the second round, the joined seat from the first round is automatically cancelled and given to another contender. They must first go to the joined college of the first round to obtain the relieving letter, then proceed to the allotted college of the second round to complete the admission processes.

6) If he/she was offered the option of upgrading in the first round and their seat was not improved in the second round, their first round seat will remain the same. On that seat, they will be regarded as Joined.

7) If a candidate is assigned a seat in the SC/ST/OBC/EWS category in the same college in the first round and then gets a seat in the UR category in the same institution in the second round, they must return to the allotted college and do the formalities again.

8) The first round is free exit, so fill any option in it; there will be no problem at the time, but the second round choice filling must be done carefully.

9) A seat that was joined in the first and second rounds can be upgraded in the Mop Up round.

Mop Up round Counseling

AACCC conducts a mop-up round to fill the vacant seat after the second round of AIQ / CU / NI / Deemed University. Candidates who did not receive a seat allotment in the first and second rounds of AACCC are eligible for this round. Those candidates who participated in the first and second rounds of the AACCC are eligible for it, and they can upgrade their allowed seats from the previous round. For the mop-up round, new registration is possible. Those who enrolled in the first and second rounds do not need to re-register. As with the first and second rounds, the provisional result is announced first, followed by the final result if there are no problems or objections. Some of its key points are as follows:

1) In the Mop Up round, all candidates will be required to fill out a new choice. Choice fills from the second round are not evaluated in this round and are automatically eliminated.

2) Following seat allocation in the Mop Up Round, get the allotment letter from the AACCC website and report to the assigned medical college with the original documentation. Admission formalities must be fulfilled by depositing a one-year fee and original documentation in the designated college.

3) If a candidate has been assigned a seat in AIQ/CU/NI/Deemed in the Mop Up round and does not choose to participate, the security money deposited by them will be forfeited; nonetheless, Central Universities/National Institutes will be eligible for the Stray Vacancy Round and State Counseling.

4) If a candidate is allotted a seat in AIQ/CU/NI/Deemed in the Mop Up round and accepts it, but later decides to resign from that seat for any reason, the Security Money deposited by them will be confiscated (forfeiture), and they will be ineligible for the Stray Vacancy Round of AIQ/Central Universities/National Institute and State Counseling.

Stray Vacancy Round

The AIQ/Central University/National Institute vacancy seat is filled in this round through counselling by AACCC. There is no new registration in this round, and online allotment is done based on the Mop Up round selected. Deemed University is responsible for filling the counselling positions. AACCC publishes a registered candidate list for Deemed University on its website, as well as unfilled seats by Institute. This category contains the names of candidates who have not yet been assigned a seat. The student must be physically present for the team during the Stray Vacancy Round. The Stray Vacancy Round schedule is available on the Institute’s website and is limited to 2-3 days. The NEET score of the current student in the institute is used to fill the vacant seat.

Document Required

Original documents (along with self-attested photocopies of documents) necessary at the time of joining in designated Ayurveda/Unani/Siddha/Homoeopathy College for admission to undergraduate medical programmes for admission to 15% of total seats on an All-India basis are as follows.

  • 1. Admit Cards of Exam issued by NTA. 
  • 2. Result/ Rank letter issued by NTA. 
  • 3. Date of Birth Certificate (if High School Certificate does not bear the same) 
  • 4. Class 10th Certificate 
  • 5. Class 10+2 Certificate 
  • 6. Class 10+2 Marks Sheet 
  • 7. Eight (8) Passport size photograph same as affixed on the application form. 
  • 8. Provisional allotment letter generated on-line. 
  • 9. Proof of identity (Aadhar/ PAN/ Driving Licence/ Passport) 
  • 10. Caste certificate, if applicable – ST/SC/OBC (should not belong to Creamy Layer to claim OBC reservation benefit)/ EWS/ PwD


What is the Official website for SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly?

The official website of SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly is

Is it correct that Ayurvedic medications have no side effects?

Ayurveda, like many medicinal systems, has some negative effects in its medications. The fact that Ayurvedic treatments are entirely of natural origin does not mean that they are without side effects. 

Which university is affiliated with SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly?

The college was founded in 1966 and affiliated with Mahayogi Guru Gorakhnath AYUSH University, Gorakhpur.

Is SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly a govt. or private institution?

Yes, SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly is a government-run Ayurvedic institution.

What is the location of SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly?

The address of SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly is Gangapur, Uttar Pradesh – 243003.

How many BAMS seats are there in SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly?

This Institute has 75 students’ seats available for the BAMS course.

How can I enroll for admission into SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly?

Students must pass the NEET exam in order to enroll at SRM Government Ayurved College Bareilly.

Who is in charge of AIAPGET Counseling?

AIAPGET is counseled by the AYUSH Admissions Central Counseling Committee (AACCC).

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