Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling 2025

Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling 2025 is conducted by the Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell, which offers a streamlined admission process for aspiring students seeking admission into BAMS, BUMS, BHMS, BSMS and BNYS courses under the state quota. The curriculum for these AYUSH courses aligns with the standards set by the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCISM) and the National Commission for Homoeopathy (NCH), ensuring a complete education in traditional medical systems. The online counselling process allows candidates to apply to government and private AYUSH colleges in Maharashtra.

The selection list for CAP-2 (Group B) for BAMS/BHMS/BUMS programs is announced on 06/10/2024. Selected candidates join their respective colleges during the second round of NEET UG (BAMS/BHMS/BUMS) 2024 from 07/10/2024 to 10/10/2024, with a deadline of 06:00 PM on the last day. The last date for the resignation of CAP-2 seats, which incurs forfeiture of registration fees, is 13/10/2024. Candidates must adhere to these important dates.

The Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell will oversee the counselling for 85% of seats in government BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BSMS & BNYS colleges and all seats in private BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BSMS & BNYS colleges in Maharashtra. The remaining 15% of seats in government colleges will be managed by the AYUSH Admissions Central Counseling Committee (AACCC).

Maharashtra Ayush Counseling 
Get the best AYUSH College according to your NEET
Rank,through Maharashtra Ayush Counselling.

Maharashtra AYUSH Counseling
Register for FREE Counselling
10 Minutes Free Session

Maharashtra Ayush Counseling Highlight

Name of ExaminationNational Eligibility cum Entrance Test (UG) or NEET-UG
Conducted byNational Testing Agency (NTA)
Ayush Counseling Conducting AuthorityAYUSH Admissions Central Counseling Committee (AACCC)
NEET 2024 Exam Date5 May, 2024
NEET 2024 Result Date14 June 2024
AACCC Counselling Start DateTo Be Announced
Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling Start DateFirst Week of September (Tentative)
Maharashtra Ayush NEET Counseling Conducting AuthorityMaharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell
Government Seats in MaharashtraBAMS: 320 Seats
Private Seats in MaharashtraBAMS: 3750 Seats
BHMS: 4245 Seats
BUMS: 230 Seats

Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling Important Links

Information BulletinDownload Here
Certificate FormatsDownload Here
Counselling ScheduleDownload Here
SEAT MATRIX (Round 1)Download Here
SEAT MATRIX (Round 2)Download Here
SEAT MATRIX (Round 3)Download Here
Merit List (Round 1)Download Here
Merit List (Round 2)Download Here
Merit List (Round 3)Download Here
Registration LinkClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here
Expert Mobile Number9289495501
Important Notice 1Download Here
Important Notice 2Download Here
Important Notice 3Download Here
Important Notice 4Download Here
Important Notice 5Download Here

Maharashtra Ayush Counselling Dates - CAP Round 1

Sr. NoActivityDates
1.Online Registration and Session Apply (Common for All Courses) MBBS/ BDS/ BAMS/ BHMS/ BUMS/ BPTH/ BOTH/ BASLP/ B(P&O) 17/08/2024 to 23/08/2024 up to 08.00 pm (Server Time)
2.Payment of Registration Fees through Online Payment Gateway for MBBS/ BDS/ BAMS/ BHMS/ BUMS/ BPTH/ BOTH/ BASLP/ B(P&O) (A candidate will be treated as registered for the process only after successful Payment of the fees.)17/08/2024 to 23/08/2024 up to 11.59 pm (Server Time)
3.Uploading of coloured scanned copy of Original Requisite Documents on the portal as per the list.17/08/2024 to 23/08/2024 up to 11.59 pm (Server Time)
4.Publication of Seat Matrix for BAMS/BHMS/BUMS
courses only
5.Online Filling of Choice/Preference Form
Group B - BAMS/BHMS/BUMS courses only
09/09/2024 to
upto 06.00 pm
6.Declaration of CAP Round - 1 Selection List
Group B - BAMS/BHMS/BUMS courses only
7.Physical Joining and Filling of Status Retention
with All Original Documents & Requisite Fees by
14/09/2024 to
18/09/2024 upto
05.30 pm

Schedule for CAP Round - 2

1Prescribed last to date to cancel CAP-1 seat without
forfeiture of registration fee
2Publication of Seat Matrix for NEET UG 2024
(BAMS/BHMS/BUMS) Group B - Round 2
3Online Preference (Choices) Filling Process for NEET UG
2024 (BAMS/BHMS/BUMS) Group B
30/09/2024 to
upto 11.59 pm
(server time)
4Declaration of Selection List of CAP-2 (Group B)
5Date of Joining to the selected college during 2nd round for
(Including Holidays)
07/10/2024 to
upto 06:00 pm
6Last date of resignation of CAP- 2 seats with forfeiture
of registration fees

Schedule for CAP Round - 3

1Online Registration and Session Apply for CAP Round-3
Group B – BAMS/BHMS/BUMS and
Candidates who have registered previously need to register only if their fee was forfeited as per rules.
Candidates registered during this phase will not be
considered for MBBS/BDS course.
15/10/2024 to
upto 11.59 pm
2Payment of Registration Fees through Online Payment Gateway
for Group B – BAMS/BHMS/BUMS
(A candidate will be treated as registered for the process only after successful Payment of the fees.)
15/10/2024 to
upto 11.59 pm
3Publication of General List of Registered Candidates for
4Publication of Combined Common Provisional State Merit List
Group C- BPTH/BOTH/BASLP/B P&O separately
5Publication of Seat Matrix
6Online Preference/Choice Form Filling Process of eligible candidates for CAP Round - 3 of
Group B – BAMS/BHMS/BUMS courses only (Choice filled during CAP-2 will be null & Void)
20/10/2024 to
upto 11.59 pm
7Declaration of Third Selection List (CAP 3) of Group B
8Physical Joining with All Original Documents & Requisite Fees by DD/Cheque at the allotted college.24/10/2024 to
upto 05.30 pm
9Prescribed last date to resign the seat without Penalty.
(Any cancellation after this date will lead to penalty as per
clause 16 of the Information brochure)
upto 05.30 pm

Maharashtra Ayush Counseling Eligibility Criteria

Details Eligibility Criteria
NEET Entrance ExaminationApplicants must have passed the NEET Entrance Examination.
Maharashtra ResidencyCandidates must be residents of Maharashtra.
Educational QualificationApplicants must have passed the 10+2 examination or an equivalent examination from a recognized educational institution.
Compulsory SubjectsApplicants must have completed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English as compulsory subjects.
Minimum MarksApplicants must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks in the 10+2 examination. For SC/ST category applicants, the minimum required marks are 40%. For PwD (Persons with Disabilities) candidates, the minimum required marks are 45%.


Eligibility CriteriaEligibility Status
Registered for State CET, not accepted in Health Science program (subject to meeting Ayurveda eligibility requirements)Eligible for Ayurveda courses
Admitted to Homeopathy, Unani, BPTH/BOTH/BASLP/BP&O, and Nursing systems (meeting Ayurveda eligibility conditions)Eligible for Ayurveda courses
Admitted to private Ayurveda collegesEligible only for government or government-aided Ayurveda colleges
Accepted into a Government Aided Ayurveda CollegeEligible for admission to Government Ayurveda College
Previously enrolled in a private Ayurveda collegeIneligible to apply to another private Ayurveda college


Eligibility CriteriaEligibility Status
Registered for State CET for State Quota but not admitted to any Health Science Course (subject to meeting other Homeopathy eligibility criteria)Eligible for Homeopathy courses
Enrolled in BUMS Private College's BPTH/BOTH/BASLP/BP&O and BSc Nursing programs (subject to meeting other Homeopathy eligibility criteria)Eligible for Homeopathy courses
Accepted into one of the private Homeopathy institutionsIneligible to apply to another private Homeopathy college
Admitted to a college in the Ayurveda programIneligible to enroll in the Homeopathy program


Eligibility CriteriaEligibility Status
Registered for State CET for State Quota but not admitted to any Health Science Course (subject to meeting other Unani course requirements, such as Urdu in 10th (SSC))Eligible for Unani courses
Admitted to BHMS, BPTH, BOTH, BASLP, BP&O, and Nursing courses (subject to meeting other Unani system eligibility standards, including Urdu in 10th (SSC))Eligible for Unani courses
Accepted into private Unani collegesEligible to attend government or government-aided Unani colleges
Previously enrolled in one of the private Unani collegesneligible to apply to any other private Unani college

Eligibility of NEET and HSC (PCB) marks for courses

CourseNEET 2022 MarksHSC PCB marks
BAMS/BHMS/BUMS (For BUMS, Urdu/Persian is a must at 10th STD)Gen/EWS- 113
Gen/EWS PWD- 99
Gen/EWS -150/300
Gen/EWS PWD- 135/300

Maharashtra Ayush Counseling Seat Reservation

CategoryState QuotaPrivate Unaided Institutions/ colleges
Scheduled Caste and SC converted to Buddhism (SC)13.0%6.5%
Scheduled Tribes (ST)7%6.5%
Vimukta Jati (VJ) DT-A3%3.5%
Nomadic Tribes (NT-1) NT-B2.5%1.5%
Nomadic Tribes (NT-2) NT-C3.5%1.25%
Nomadic Tribes (NT-3) NT-D2%1.75%
OBC and Special Backward Classes19%1%

Maharashtra Ayush Counseling Process


  • Visit the official website of the State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra State.
  • Candidates who have been found eligible during document verification and obtained an Acknowledgement of Document Verification can fill out the Preference Form at
  • Log in using your Application Number/Username, Password, and Document Verification Code.

Choice Filling & Locking

  • The Preference Form will be displayed after logging in.
  • Fill in a minimum of one preference and a maximum of 300 preferences.
  • Each TAB displays 100 preferences, one after the other.
  • Click "SAVE Preferences" after entering 100 preferences to display the next TAB.
  • Once all preferences are entered, click "Lock Preferences" to complete the Preference Form.
  • Double-check your preferences before locking as they cannot be updated once submitted.
  • Click "FINISH" on the final TAB and verify all preferences using the checkboxes before locking.

Print Preference Form

  • After submitting the form, print a copy of the Preference Form for your reference.
  • Do not submit a copy of the Preference Form to the counseling office.

Seat Matrix and College Choice

Check the seat matrix table to verify if the specific college code is available for the desired course in the College/Institute.

Important Considerations

  • Save preferences every ten minutes to avoid session expiration.
  • Plan your preferences in advance as you cannot change them once locked.
  • Be aware of the tuition costs, additional fees, and terms and conditions of the preferred colleges by checking the respective websites.

Status Retention Form Submission

  • If allocated a seat and wish to participate in the next/following rounds, do not complete the Status Retention Form.
  • If not interested in further rounds, complete the Status Retention Form.
  • Institutes should not force candidates to fill out the Status Retention Form.


  • If you wish to participate, report to the allotted college on the prescribed schedule according to the seat allotment.
  • Provide the original documents and photocopies as required.

Maharashtra Ayush Counseling Document Required

  • NEET UG 2024 admit card & Marksheet.
  • Copy of completed online application form (latest).
  • Nationality certificate issued by District Magistrate/Addl. District Magistrate or Metropolitan Magistrate (Competent Authority for the Issue of Such Certificate)/valid Indian passport/HSC/12th Std. School Leaving Certificate identifying the candidate’s nationality as Indian
  • District Magistrate/Metropolitan Magistrate/Addl. District Magistrate or Competent Authority issues a Domicile Certificate.
  • Mark sheet from the H.S.C. (or similar) examination.
  • SSC (or similar) certificate of completion (for Date of Birth).
  • Medical fitness certificate (Annexure – H) for Aadhar Card If this is the case:
  • Certificate of Caste
  • Certificate of Caste Validity
  • Certificate for non-creamy layers is valid until March 31, 2024. (For DT-A, NT-B, NT-C, NT-D & OBC including SBC).
  • Ex-servicemen Certificate/Actual Service Certificate (D1/D2/D3).
  • D1/D2: Maharashtra Certificate of Defense Person’s Domicile.
  • D3: Transfer certificate and parents’ Domicile certificate from a state other than Maharashtra.
  • After March 31, 2024, a Competent Authority will provide an EWS Eligibility Certificate.
  • MKB: Certificate from a disputed area, mother tongue certificate, and SSC/HSC from the MKB area.
  • Medical Fitness Certificate of Authorized Medical Board for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Candidates.
  • Candidates from underrepresented groups (Minority).
  • For orphans, a certificate from the Women and Child Welfare Department is required.

Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling Participating Colleges

BAMS Colleges

Sr. No.BAMS College NameStatus Total Seats
1R.A.Podar Ayurved Medical CollegeGovernment125
2Government Ayurved College, NagpurGovernment125
3Government Ayurvedic College NandedGovernment125
4Government Ayurved College OsmanabadGovernment63
5YMT Ayurvedic College, MumbaiPrivate 100
6Nalasopara Ayurved Medical CollegePrivate60
7BSDT’s Ayurved MahavidyalayaPrivate60
8PDEA’s College Of Ayurved And Research CentrePrivate60
9Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, HadapsarPrivate60
10Ayurvedic Medical College Peth VadgaonPrivate60
11Dr J. J. Magdum Ayurvedic Medical CollegePrivate60
12Yashwant Ayurvedic College PanhalaPrivate100
13Late Kedari Redekar Ayurvedic MahavidyalayaPrivate 100
14Hon.Shri. Annasaheb Dange Ayurved Medical CollegePrivate100
15Sangam Sevabhavi Trusts Ayurved Medical CollegePrivate60
16Shri Vivekanand Nursing Home Trust’s Ayurved CollegePrivate60
17Vitthal Ayurvedic College AhmednagarPrivate100
18Siddhakala Ayurved MahavidyalayaPrivate60
19Shree Saptashrungi Ayurved MahavidyalayPrivate 60
20DS Naik Ayurvedic College DhulePrivate 50
21Smt KC Ajmera Ayurved College DhulePrivate 60
22Kisan Dnyanoday Mandal Gudhe’s Ayurved Medical CollegePrivate 50
23Chaitanya Ayurved Mahavidyalaya JalgaonPrivate 50
24Ashvin Rural Ayurved College(ARAC Ahmednagar)Private 60
25Loknete Rajarambapu Patil Ayurvedic Medical College & HospitalPrivate 100
26Rural Institute of Ayurveda Research Centre SataraPrivate 50
27Maharashtra Education Society Ayurvedic College RatnagiriPrivate 60
28SMBT Ayurved College NashikPrivate 60
29Matoshri Aasarabai Darade Ayurved CollegePrivate 50
30Sai Ayurved College, Hospital & Research CentrePrivate 60
31Swami Vivekanand ayurvedic college ShrigondaPrivate 60
32Sant Gajanan Maharaj Ayurved Medical CollegePrivate 60
33Dr Deepak Patil Ayurvedic Medical CollegePrivate 60
34Bhimashankar Ayurved College Wadgaon kashimbeg WalunjwadiPrivate 60
35B. R. Harne Ayurvedic Medical CollegePrivate 100
36Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami Ayurvedic CollegePrivate 100
37Ideal College of Ayurved, PalgharPrivate 100
38Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya NagpurPrivate 60
39Dr. Vandanatai J Dhne Gramin Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Patur AkolaPrivate 50
40Sant Gajanan Maharaj Ayurved Medical CollegePrivate 50
41Mahadeorao Shivankar Ayurvedic College GondiaPrivate 60
42SRC Ayurvedic College ChikhaliPrivate 60
43Jupiter Ayurved Medical CollegePrivate 40
44Shri KR Pandav Ayurved CollegePrivate 60
45Mahila Utkarsh Pratishthan’s Ayurved College, Hospital and Research CentrePrivate 60
46Smt. Vimladevi Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, ChandrapurPrivate 60
47Anandi Shikshan Prasark Mandal Ayurvedic College BuldanaPrivate 60
48Dr RN Lahoti Ayurvedic College BuldhanaPrivate 60
49Dr. Rajendra Gode Ayurved College and HospitalPrivate 60
50Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved College & Hospital, ButiboriPrivate 100
51Datta Meghe Ayurved College, Hospital & Research CentrePrivate 100
52Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj Shikshan Sansthan Ayurved MahavidyalayaPrivate 100
53Late Babruwan Vitthalrao Kale (Manjara) Ayurved Medical College & HospitalPrivate 60
54Dhanwantari Ayurved Medical College and HospitalPrivate 60
55Ramrao Patil Ayurvedic College ParbhaniPrivate 40
56Aditya Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha’s Aditya Ayurved College BeedPrivate 50
57Shantadevi Vedprakash Patil AyurvedPrivate 50
58Shiva Trust’s Yashavantrao Chavan Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital.Private 100
59Dr. Vedprakash Patil Ayurved Hospital and Research Institute, JalnaPrivate 60
60Anand Ayurved College AurangabadPrivate 60

BHMS Colleges

Name and Address of the BHMS CollegeCollege typeEstablishment Year
SMT. Chandaben M Patel Homoeopathy College MumbaiPrivate1957
Yerala Medical Trust’s Homoeopathy College, Kharghar New MumbaiPrivate1989
Virar Homoeopathy Medical College, VirarPrivate1989
Sai Homoeopathic Medical College, BhiwandiPrivate2006
Vengurla Homoeopathic Medical CollegePrivate1989
Dapoli Homoeopathic Medical College RatnagiriPrivate1988
Dhondumama Sathe Homoeopathy Medical College, PunePrivate1972
J J Megdum Homoeopathic Medical College, JaysingpurPrivate1990
V Y Chavan Homoeopathy Medical College KolhapurPrivate1901
EB Gadkari Homoeopathy Medical College, GadhinglajPrivate1991

BUMS Colleges

Name and Address of the BUMS CollegeCollege typeAffiliation
Ahmed Garib Unani Medical College, Akkalkuwa NandurbarPrivate1997
Iqra Unani Medical College, JalgaonPrivate1970
Yunus Fazlani Unani Medical College, KannadPrivate2009
Al-Ameen Unani Medical College, MalegaonPrivate1984

Maharashtra Ayush Counseling Seat Matrix

S.NoBAMS College NameTotal Seats
1.R.A.Podar Ayurved Medical College125
2.Government Ayurved College, Nagpur125
3.Government Ayurvedic College Nanded125
4.Government Ayurved College Osmanabad63
1.YMT Ayurvedic College, Mumbai100
2.Nalasopara Ayurved Medical College60
3.BSDT’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya60
4.PDEA’s College Of Ayurved And Research Centre60
5.Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Hadapsar60
6.Ayurvedic Medical College Peth Vadgaon60
7.Dr J. J. Magdum Ayurvedic Medical College60
8.Yashwant Ayurvedic College Panhala100
9.Late Kedari Redekar Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya100
10.Hon.Shri. Annasaheb Dange Ayurved Medical College100
11.Sangam Sevabhavi Trusts Ayurved Medical College60
12.Shri Vivekanand Nursing Home Trust’s Ayurved College60
13.Vitthal Ayurvedic College Ahmednagar100
14.Siddhakala Ayurved Mahavidyalaya60
15.Shree Saptashrungi Ayurved Mahavidyalay60
16.DS Naik Ayurvedic College Dhule50
17.Smt KC Ajmera Ayurved College Dhule60
18.Kisan Dnyanoday Mandal Gudhe’s Ayurved Medical College50
19.Chaitanya Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Jalgaon50
20.Ashvin Rural Ayurved College(ARAC Ahmednagar)60
21.Loknete Rajarambapu Patil Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital100
22.Rural Institute of Ayurveda Research Centre Satara50
23.Maharashtra Education Society Ayurvedic College Ratnagiri60
24SMBT Ayurved College Nashik60
25.Matoshri Aasarabai Darade Ayurved College50
26.Sai Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre60
27.Swami Vivekanand ayurvedic college Shrigonda60
28.Sant Gajanan Maharaj Ayurved Medical College60
29.Dr Deepak Patil Ayurvedic Medical College60
30.Bhimashankar Ayurved College Wadgaon kashimbeg Walunjwadi60
31.B. R. Harne Ayurvedic Medical College100
32.Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami Ayurvedic College100
33.Ideal College of Ayurved, Palghar100
34.Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Nagpur60
35.Dr. Vandanatai J Dhne Gramin Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Patur Akola50
36.Sant Gajanan Maharaj Ayurved Medical College50
37.Mahadeorao Shivankar Ayurvedic College Gondia60
38.SRC Ayurvedic College Chikhali60
39.Jupiter Ayurved Medical College40
40.Shri KR Pandav Ayurved College60
41.Mahila Utkarsh Pratishthan’s Ayurved College, Hospital and Research Centre60
42.Smt. Vimladevi Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Chandrapur60
43.Anandi Shikshan Prasark Mandal Ayurvedic College Buldana60
44.Dr RN Lahoti Ayurvedic College Buldhana60
45.Dr. Rajendra Gode Ayurved College and Hospital60
46.Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved College & Hospital, Butibori100
47.Datta Meghe Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre100
48.Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj Shikshan Sansthan Ayurved Mahavidyalaya100
49.Late Babruwan Vitthalrao Kale (Manjara) Ayurved Medical College & Hospital60
50.Dhanwantari Ayurved Medical College and Hospital60
51.Ramrao Patil Ayurvedic College Parbhani40
52.Aditya Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha’s Aditya Ayurved College Beed50
53.Shantadevi Vedprakash Patil Ayurved50
54.Shiva Trust’s Yashavantrao Chavan Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital.100
55.Dr. Vedprakash Patil Ayurved Hospital and Research Institute, Jalna60
56.Anand Ayurved College Aurangabad60
Government Ayurved
College and Hospital,
Jalgaon, Maharashtra
Government Ayurveda
College, Nanded,
Government Ayurveda
Medical College,
Osmanabad, Maharashtra
Govt. Ayurved
, Nagpur, Maharashtra
RA Podar Ayurved Medical
College, Mumbai,
(AIQ Aided) BAMS CollegeOpenOpen PWDGeneral EWSOBCOBC PWDSCSC PWDSTTotal Seats
Tilak Ayurved
, Pune, MS
Ashtang Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya Pune
Ayurved Seva Sangh
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
, Nashik,, MS
Vasant Dada Patil Ayurved
Medical College, Sangli
Seth Chandanmal Mutha
Aryangla Vaidyak
, Satara, MS
Seth Govindji Raoji
Ayurved Mahavidylaya,
Solapur, MS
Ayurvidya Prasarak
Mandals Ayurved
, Sion, Mumbai
Bhaisaheb Sawant Ayurved
, Sawantwadi,, MS
Shri Ayurved
, Nagpur, MS
Radhakisan Toshniwal
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
, Akola, MS
Vidarbha Ayurved
, Amravati
Shri Gurudeo Ayurved
, Amravati, MS
Smt. K G Mittal Punarvasu
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
, Mumbai
Karamvir Vyankatrao
Tanaji Randhir Ayurved
College, Boradi, Dist Dhule
Dayabhai Maoji Majithiya
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
, Yavatmal, MS
Shri Gangadhar Shastri
Gune Ayurved
, Ahmednagar, MS
Management Quota
S.NoBAMS College NameOpenOpen PwDGeneral EWSGeneral EWS PwDOBCOBC PwDSTST PwDTotal Seats
1.Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed
University i.e. B.V.D.U.,
College of Ayurved, Pune,
2.Dr. D. Y. Patil College of
Ayurved and Research Centre,
Pune, Maharashtra
3.Padamshri Dr. DY Patil College
of Ayurved and Research
Institute, Navi Mumbai,
4.Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved
College, Hospital and Research
Centre, Wardha, Maharashtra
S.No(AIQ) Govt Aided BAMS College NameOpenOpen PwDGeneral EWSGeneral EWS PwDOBCOBC PwDSCSC PwDSTST PwDTotal Seats
1.Tilak Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya, Pune, MS
2.Ashtang Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya Pune
3.Ayurved Seva Sangh
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik, MS
4.Vasant Dada Patil Ayurved
Medical College, Sangli
5.Seth Chandanmal Mutha
Aryangla Vaidyak
Mahavidyalaya, Satara, MS
6.Ayurveda Prasarak
Mandals Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai
Bhaisaheb Sawant Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya, Sawantwadi,, MS
8.Shri Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, MS
9.Radhakisan Toshniwal
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Akola, MS
10.Vidarbha Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya, Amravati
11.Shri Gurudev Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya, Amravati, MS
12.Karamvir Vyankatrao
Tanaji Randhir Ayurved
College, Boradi, Dist Dhule
13.Dayabhai Maoji Majithiya
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal, MS
14.Shri Gangadhar Shastri
Gune Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya, Ahmednagar, MS
Jain Minority Quota
S.NoCollege NameOpenOpen PwDGeneral EWSGeneral EWS PwDOBCOBC PwDSCSC PwDSTST PwDTotal Seats
1.Seth Govindji Raoji
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya,
Solapur, MS
Linguistic Minority Seat
S.NoBAMS College NameOpenOpen PwDGeneral EWSGeneral EWS PwDOBCOBC PwDSCSC PwDSTST PwDTotal Seats
1.Smt. KG Mittal Punarvasu
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Mumbai
Demmed University UG BAMS CollegeOpenTotal Seats
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed
University i.e. B.V.D.U.,
College of Ayurved, Pune,
Dr. D. Y. Patil College of
Ayurved and Research Centre,
Pune, Maharashtra
Padamshri Dr. DY Patil College
of Ayurved and Research
Institute, Navi Mumbai,
Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved
College, Hospital and Research
Centre, Wardha, Maharashtra
S.NoBHMS Private College NameTotal Seats
1.Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Homeopathic100
2.YMT Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital100
3.Virar Homoeopathic Medical College75
.4.Sai Homoeopathic Medical College & Nityanand Hospital75
5.Keluskar Homoeopathic College Raigad50
6.Vengurla Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital50
7.Dapoli Homoeopathic Medical College50
8.Dhondumama Sathe Homoeopathic Medical College100
9.Lokmanya Homoeopathic Medical College100
10.Dr J.J.Magdum Homoeopathic Medical College100
11.JPES Homoeopathic College Kolhapur75
12.Venutai Yashwantrao Chavan Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital Kolhapur50
13.EB Gadkari Homoeopathic Medical College50
14.Homeopathic Medical College & Samarth Hospital Satara100
15.Gulabrao Patil Homoeopathic Medical College100
16.Gandhi Natha Rangaji Homoeopathic Medical College Solapur50
17.Ahmednagar Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital75
18.MHF Homoeopathic Medical College Ahmednagar100
19.Kaka Saheb Mhaske Homoeopathic Medical College100
20.Motiwala homoeopathic medical college100
21.K. B. Abad Homoeopathic Medical College Nashik100
22.KDMG Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital Dhule75
23.Vamanrao Ithape Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital100
24.KSSM’s Dhanwantari Homoeopathy College, Nashik50
25.Anantrao Kanase Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital100
26.P.S.P.M. Mahila Homoeopathy College, Solapur100
27.Chamundamata Homoeopathic Medical College50
28.Dr Ulhas Patil Homoeopathic Medical College Jalgaon100
29.Sharadchandraji Pawar Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital100
30.R.R.Patil Homeopathic College50
31.Jamkhed Homoeopathic Medical College100
32.Atal Bihari Vajpayee Homoeopathic Medical College60
33.Matoshri Asarabai Darade Homeopathic Medical College60
34.Mahalaxmi Homeopathic Medical College Hospital, Satara60
35.Nootan Homeopathy Medical College and Hospital, Sangli60
36.Late mrs housabai homoeopathic medical college and hospital100
37.Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami Ayurvedic Medical College100
38.Antarbharti Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital50
39.P. B. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital50
40.Panchsheel Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital100
41.Gondia Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital50
42.P.J.N.M. Institute of Homoeopathic Medical Sciences70
43.Takhatmal Shrivallabh Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital75
44.H.E.S Homoeopathic Medical College Akola50
45.Shree Janata Homoeopathic Medical College Akola50
46.Dkmm Homoeopathic Medical College100
47.Foster Development Homoeopathic Medical College.60
48.Shri. Bhagwan Homoeopathic College, Aurangabad100
49.S M Padmashri Shamraoji Kadam Homoeopathic Medical College100
50.Sonajirao Kshirsagar Homeopathic Medical College100
51.PD Jain Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital100
52.Kisan Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Homoeopathic Medical College, Latur75
53.Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital100
54.Sayali Charitable Trust, College of Homoeopathy Aurangabad100
55.Shantadevi Vedprakash Patil Ayurved College Hingoli60
Management Quota
S.NoBHMS College NameOpenOpen PwDGeneral EWSGeneral EWS PwDOBCOBC PwDSCSC PwDSTST PwDTotal Seats
1.Bharati Vidyapeeth
Homoeopathic Medical
College and Hospital,
Pune, Maharashtra
2.Dr. DY Patil
Homoeopathic Medical
College and Research
Centre, Pune, Maharashtra
S.NoBUMS Private College NameTotal Seats
1.Ahmed Garib Unani Medical College and Assalam Hospital60
2.Iqra Unani Medical College Jalgaon60
3.Al-Ameen Unani Medical College & Hospital60
4.Yunus Fazlani Unani Medical College, Kunjkheda50

Maharashtra Ayush Counseling Fee Structure

S.NoCollege NameRs.Development Fee Per Annum Rs.
1.Admission Fee1,500at the time of admission
2.Gymkhana Fee500per annum
3.Hostel Fee400per annum
4.Library Fee2000
Deposit – once – At the time of admission
Per Annum
BAMS Govt. College NameAnnual Tuition Fee Per Annum Rs.Development Fee Per Annum Rs.
R.A.Podar Ayurved Medical CollegeRs. 39,300/-Rs. 3,000/-
Government Ayurved College, NagpurRs. 39,300/-Rs. 3,000/-
Government Ayurvedic College NandedRs. 39,300/-Rs. 3,000/-
Government Ayurved College OsmanabadRs. 39,300/-Rs. 3,000/-
  BAMS Private College  Merit Quota FeeInstitutional Quota & (Including NRI) Fee
Maharashtra Arogya Mandal’s Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved College171500700000
Yerala Medical Trust Ayurved College160000800000
S.N.K.D Trust’s Nallasopara Ayurved College  111000  555000
Maharashtra Education Society’s M.E.S.Ayurved College  235000  700000
Padmasree Dr D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved and Research Centre2060001030000
P.D.E.A’S College of Ayurved and Research Centre2000001000000
B.S.D.Trust’s Ayurved College, Vishwashantidham132000660000
Ayurvedic Medical College  214000  856000
Yeshwant Ayurvedic College Post Graduate Training & Research Centre  215000  812222
Late Kedari Redekar Ayurvedic College  196000  980000
Shri Annasaheb Dange Ayurved Medical College  230000  920000
Loknete Rajarambapu Patil Ayurvedic Medical College  203000  1015000
S.C.S.E.S’s Rural Institute of Ayurved & Research Centre & Hospital  195000  975000
Dr J. J. Magdum Ayurved Medical College187000935000
Shree Saptashrungi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Hospital205000922500
Pravara Medical Trust’s Ayurved College & Shri Sant Eknath  142000  710000
Shri V.N.H.T’s Ayurved College, Shri Shivaji Nagar  118500  592500
Sangam Sevabhavi Trust’s Ayurved College, Sangamner, Pune  131000  655000
Siddhakala Ayurved College, Pimparner Road, Sangamner  152000  760000
Smt. K.C. Ajmera Ayurved College125000625000
Indira Gandhi Memorial Foundation’s D. S. Naik Ayurved College  125000  625000
KDMG’s Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital118000590000
Chaitanya Ayurved College130500–
Ashvin Rural Ayurved College167000501000
S.M.B.T. Ayurved College & Hospital2040001020000
Jagdamba Education Society’s Matoshri Asarabai Darade Ayurved College  138000  690000
Shri. Sai Charitable Trust, Shri Sai Ayurved College & Research Centre  –  –
Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved College137000685000
Mahadeorao Shivankar Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital & Research Institute  –  –
Gramin Ayurvedic College, Balapur Road, Near Renuka132000660000
Ayurved College & Rugnalaya, Washim Road125000625000
S.R. Chunawale Ayurved College, Deendayal Nagar,135000675000
Jupiter Ayurved Medical College  110250551250
K.R. Pandav Ayurved College & Hospital159000795000
M.U.P.S Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre130000650000
Gurukrupa Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Smt. Vimladevi Ayurved Medical College & Hospital190000834000
Anandi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Nagpur’s Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Institute128000600000
Dr R.N. Lahoti Ayurvedic College, Hospital & Research Institute––
C.S.M.S.S. Ayurved College150000750000
Ramrao Patil Ayurved College & Rugnalaya121000550000
Late Babruwan Vitthalrao Kale Ayurved Medical College & Hospital120000600000
Bal Bhagwan Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Dhanwantari Ayurved Medical College & Hospital  125000  625000
Aditya Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha’s Aditya Ayurved College & Research Centre  –  –
Shri. Dhaneshwari Manav Vikas Mandal110000  550000
Yeshvantrao Chavan Ayurved Medical College & Hospital Aurangabad109500  547500
  BHMS Private CollegeMerit Quota FeeInstitutional Quota & (Including NRI) Fee
Chandaben M.Patel Hom. College105000525000
Y.M.T. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital78000390000
Kokan Education & Medical Trust’s Virar Hom. Medical College56000280000
Sai Homoeopathic Medical College, Dugad Phata,––
Kokan Education Society’s Chandrakant Hari Keluskar Hom. Medical College56480282400
KES, Loknete Adv. Datta Patil Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital61574307870
Dapoli Hom. Medical College52000260000
Dhondumama Sathe Homoeopathy Medical College65000325000
LMF’s Homoeopathic Medical College63000315000
Dr J.J. Magdum Homoeopathy Medical College67000335000
SJPES’s Homoeopathic Medical College59500297000
Shri.Shahu Chh. Shikshan Sanstha’s, V.Y. Chavan Homoeopathy Medical College37700188500
Disha Shikshan -V-Vikas Kendra’s, E.B. Gadkari Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital42000210000
Samarth Education Trust’s Sawkar Homoeopathic Medical College61500300000
Gulabrao Patil Homoeopathic Medical College57000285000
Gandhi Natha Rangaji Homoeopathy Medical College–225000
Ahmednagar Homoeopathic Medical College56000–
MHF’s Homoeopathic Medical College46000230000
Kakasaheb Mhaske Homoeopathy Medical College46000230000
Motiwala Homoeopathy Medical College71000355000
KBA Homoeopathic Medical College––
K.D.M.G.’s Homoeopathic Medical College69000345000
Dr D.Y.Patil Pratishthan’s Hom. College80000400000
Vamanrao Ithape Homeopathic Medical College60000300000
KSSM’s Dhanwantari Homoeopathy College, Dhanwantari44000220000
Anantrao Kanse Homoeopathic Medical College6400064000
PSPM’s Mahila Homoeopathic Medical College64000320000
Shri. Chamudamata Homeopathy Medical College49000245000
Godavari Foundation’s Dr Ulhas Patil Homoeopathy Medical College & Hospital70000350000
Sharadchandraji Pawar Homoeopathic Medical College61000305000
Antrabharti Homoeopathy Medical College, Dabha, Nagpur- 440 023.––
Purushottam Bagala Homoeopathy Medical College & Hospital53000265010
Panchsheel Homoeopathic Medical College33500150000
Gondia Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital37000185000
Pandit Javaharlal Nehru Inst. of Hom. Medical Sciences––
Takhatmal Shrivallabh Homoeopathy Medical College53500260000
HES, Homoeopathy Medical College4379643796
Shree Janata Homoeopathy Medical College––
DKMM Homoeopathy Medical College53500267500
Foster Development Homoeopathy Medical College62500312500
Bhagwan Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Shree Bhagwan Homoeopathy Medical College61000305000
Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital61000305000
S M Padmashri Shamraoji Kadam Homoeopathic Medical College30000150000
Adarsh Shikshan Sanstha’s Sonajirao Kshirsagar Homoeopathy Medical College63730261175
P D Jain Homoeopathic College51100255500
KSPM’s Homoeopathic Medical College––
Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,46000230000
BUMS Private CollegeMerit Quota FeeInstitutional Quota & (Including NRI) Fee
Ahmed Garib Unani Medical College and Assalam Hospital80000400000
Iqra Unani Medical College Jalgaon68000340000
Yunus Fazlani Unani Medical College, Kunjkheda70000350000

Maharashtra Ayush Counseling Cutoff 2024

To be considered for further admissions, candidates must score at least a qualifying score in the NEET 2024 entrance exam.

CategoryCut-Off PercentileNEET Cut-Off 2023NEET Cut-Off 2024No. Of Candidates
UR/EWS50th Percentile720-137720-16211,65,334
OBC40th Percentile136-107161-1271,00,876
SC40th Percentile136-107161-12734,420
ST40th Percentile136-107161-12714,414
UR/EWS-PwD45th Percentile136-121151-144469
OBC-PwD40th Percentile120-107143-127269
SC-PwD40th Percentile120-107143-12754
ST-PwD40th Percentile120-107142-12713

AYUSH College Predictor

Are you aspiring to pursue a career in Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Siddha, or Naturopathy? GLN Admission Advice’s AYUSH College Predictor 2024 is here to guide you through the admission process. By using your AYUSH 2024 rank or score, our predictor helps you identify the best medical colleges where you have a high chance of securing admission. GLN Admission Advice offers specialized predictors for each AYUSH discipline, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and accurate guidance:

AYUSH Counselling Expert

AYUSH Counselling Expert offers personalized support and guidance throughout the entire admission process for AYUSH courses. Whether you’re aiming for a degree in Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Siddha, or Naturopathy, our team of experts is here to help you make informed decisions, ensuring you find the best possible college that matches your academic profile and career aspirations. GLN Admission Advice’s AYUSH Counselling Expert is designed to simplify this process and provide you with expert guidance to secure a seat in a top medical college.

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Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling 2025 Seat Matrix

Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling Cutoff 2025

Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling 2025 Merit List

Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling 2025 Seat Allotment

Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling 2025 Conducting Authority

Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling 2025 schedule

Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling 2025 official website

Maharashtra AYUSH Counselling 2025 registration-Step By Step Process

Maharashtra Ayush Counseling FAQs

1. What is the official website of Maharashtra Ayush Counselling? is the website for Maharashtra Ayush counseling.

2. Who is conducting authority of Maharashtra Ayush Counselling?

Maharashtra Ayush counseling will be conducted by the Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell.

3. How many BAMS Seats are available in Maharashtra?

Maharashtra Ayush government - 1439 and private - 4210 BAMS seats are available.

4. How many BAMS colleges are their in Maharashtra?

There are approximately 220 BAMS Colleges in Maharashtra.

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