Telangana AYUSH Counselling 2025

Telangana AYUSH Counselling 2025 will be conducted by the Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, offers a streamlined admission process for aspiring students seeking admission into BAMS, BUMS, BHMS, BSMS and BNYS courses under the state quota. The curriculum for these AYUSH courses aligns with the standards set by the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCISM) and the National Commission for Homoeopathy (NCH), ensuring a complete education in traditional medical systems. The online counselling process allows candidates to apply to both government and private AYUSH colleges within Telangana. Following the announcement of the NEET exam results on June 14, 2024, the registration for Telangana AYUSH Counselling 2025 is expected to commence in the first week of September. The detailed schedule will be available on the official website,

The Department of Higher and Technical Education Government of Mizoram will oversee the counselling for 85% of seats in government BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BSMS & BNYS colleges and all seats in private BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BSMS & BNYS colleges in Telangana. The remaining 15% of seats in government colleges will be managed by the AYUSH Admissions Central Counseling Committee (AACCC).

Telangana AYUSH Counselling
Get the best AYUSH College according to your NEET
Rank,through Telangana AYUSH Counselling.

Telangana AYUSH Counselling
Register for FREE Counselling
10 Minutes Free Session
BHMS Admission

Telangana AYUSH Counselling Highlights

Name of ExaminationNational Eligibility cum Entrance Test (UG) or NEET-UG
Conducted byNational Testing Agency (NTA)
Ayush Counselling Conducting AuthorityAYUSH Admissions Central Counselling Committee (AACCC)
NEET 2024 Exam Date5 May, 2024
NEET 2024 Result14 June 2024
AACCC Ayush NEET 2024 Counselling Starting DateTo Be Announced
Telangana Ayush Counselling AuthorityKaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS)
Government Seats in TelanganaBAMS: 79
BHMS: 80
BNYS: 60
BUMS: 58
Private Seats in TelanganaBHMS: 175

Telangana AYUSH Counselling Important Links

Information BulletinDownload Here
Certificate FormatsDownload Here
Counselling ScheduleDownload Here
SEAT MATRIX (Round 1)Download Here
SEAT MATRIX (Round 2)Download Here
SEAT MATRIX (Round 3)Download Here
Merit List (Round 1)Download Here
Merit List (Round 2)Download Here
Merit List (Round 3)Download Here
Registration LinkClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here
Helpline0870 2454555
Expert Mobile Number9289495501
Important Notice 1Download Here
Important Notice 2Download Here
Important Notice 3Download Here
Important Notice 4Download Here
Important Notice 5Download Here

Telangana AYUSH Counselling Dates

Under Competent Authority Quota Seats

Date of issue of Notification to apply for admission to BAMS/BHMS/BNYS and BUMS Courses for the academic year 2024-2505.10.2024
Availability of online Application and uploading of certificates https://tsbahnu.tsche.in8.00 AM on 06-10-2024 to 6.00 PM on 13-10-2024
Date of release of final merit list of the candidatesWill be notified later
Dates of exercising web options for admission into BAMS / BHMS/BNYS AND BUMS coursesWill be notified later
Commencement of classesWill be notified later
Closure of admissionsAs per NCISM/NCH guidelines


National Eligibility-cum- Entrance Test (NEET) UG - 2024 qualified candidates are invited to apply online for All India Quota admissions into BHMS course for the academic year 2024-25 in Private Homoeo colleges affiliated to KNRUHS, Warangal in the state of Telangana.

Registration of online application & Uploading of original certificatesTo be announced

Telangana Ayush Counselling Eligible Criteria

Eligibility CriteriaDetail
NationalityIndian citizens are eligible to apply.
AgeThe minimum age should be 17 years as of December 31, 2024.
DomicileApplicants must be residents of Telangana state.
Academic QualificationMust have completed Intermediate (10+2 pattern) or its equivalent in Physics, Chemistry,
Biology (Botany, Zoology) / Biotechnology, and English.
Minimum Marks in Qualifying ExamOC category: Minimum 50% in science subjects.
BC, SC, and ST categories: Minimum 40% in science subjects.
OC PWD category: Minimum 45% in science subjects.
NEET UG ScoreMust have qualified the NEET UG - 2024 examination.
Reservation QuotaNo reservation quotas for SC/ST/BC/PWD categories under Management Quota.
Foreign Students / NRI CandidatesEligible for admission to AYUSH Courses under Management Quota Category - C Seats.
Eligibility / Equivalence CertificateCandidates with qualifications from universities or boards outside of Telangana
must submit an Eligibility / Equivalence certificate from the respective authorities.
Apply for Management QuotaCandidates who have applied for the Convener Quota must apply individually for
consideration under the Management Quota.

Telangana AYUSH Registration Process

Step 1Visit Official Website Go to
Step 2Mobile and Email RegistrationClick on "Mobile and Email Registration."Provide a valid mobile number and email address.
Receive OTP on both mobile and email for verification.
Step 3ValidationEnter the received OTPs.
Click "Validate."Successful validation leads to the registration form.
Step 4Fill Registration FormComplete the candidate's details in the registration form.
Step 5Validation and PaymentRe-enter necessary details.
Click "Validate" again.
Proceed to the payment gateway for fee payment.
Step 6PaymentChoose the appropriate payment mode based on your caste category.
Make the payment.
Note the provided payment reference number.
Step 7Payment GatewayConfirm the payment by clicking "OK."
Step 8Successful PaymentReceive an on-screen confirmation of the successful payment.
Obtain a unique registration number via SMS and email.
Step 9Application UpdateAccess the application form using your Roll Number and Registration number.
Click "Validate."
Step 10Application FormFill in the required details accurately.
Upload a passport-size photo and signature (in JPEG format, under 100 KB).
Step 11Save and ExitAfter completing the form, click "Save and Exit."Corrections can be made later using the Data Updation link.
Step 12Upload CertificatesClick "Upload Certificates" after validating your data.
Attach the necessary documents as required.
Step 13Save and PrintClick "Save and Print" after uploading the certificates.
Print a copy of the filled application form.
You can use the "Print Application" option to retrieve saved data.

Telangana AYUSH Counselling Process

Step 1RegistrationGo to
Step 2Document VerificationAfter successful registration, you will receive a schedule for document verification.
Visit the designated verification center on the specified date and time.
Carry all the necessary documents, including NEET scorecard, educational certificates, and identity proof.
Get your documents verified by the counseling authorities.
Step 3Document VerificationAfter document verification, log in using your username and password.
Access the list of available colleges and courses.
Prioritize and select your preferred choices based on your NEET rank.
Save and lock your choices before the deadline.
Step 4Seat AllotmentThe counseling authority will conduct the seat allotment process based on your NEET rank and choices.
You will receive an allotment letter indicating the college and course you have been allocated.
Step 5Reporting to CollegeIf you are satisfied with the allotted seat, report to the allotted college within the given time frame.
Pay the required admission fees and complete the formalities for enrollment.
Step 6Second Round (If Applicable)If you are not allotted a seat in the first round, you may participate in the second round of counseling.
Repeat the choice filling and seat allotment process as mentioned above.
Step 7Mop-Up Round (If Applicable)If there are still vacant seats after the second round, a mop-up round may be conducted.
Eligible candidates who have not been allotted seats in previous rounds can participate.
Step 8Reporting to the Allotted CollegeIf you are allotted a seat in any round, report to the college within the specified time.
Complete the admission process and join the college.

Counselling registration Fees

CategoryFee (INR)Bank Transaction Charges
OC/BC Categories4,000Extra
SC/ST Categories3,000Extra
GOI Nominee Candidates4,000 + ChargesExtra

Telangana Ayush Counselling Documents Required

  • Most Recent Size Photo 
  • NEET UG – 2024 Admit Card / Score Card
  • Memorandum of marks for qualifying examinations, such as Intermediate or Equivalent.
  • Study Certificate(s) from 6th to Intermediate level
  • Transfer certificate (T.C).
  • Permanent caste certificate provided by the Telangana government's authorised authority, as well as minority status certificate if applicable. If appropriate, the most recent category certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the case of BC/SC/ST candidates ( for NEET Cut- off score under category)

AACCC Counselling Process 

AYUSH UG counselling refers to the counseling process for undergraduate programs in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. These programs are collectively known as AYUSH courses and are offered by various colleges and universities in India. The counselling process for AYUSH UG courses is conducted by the respective state and central counseling authorities (AACCC).

The online counselling for the allocation of 15% All India Quota Seats in Undergraduate (BAMS/BUMS/BSMS/BHMS) courses at Government/Government-aided Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani/Homoeopathy Colleges, Deemed Universities (100%), Central Universities/National Institutes is being conducted by the AYUSH Admissions Central Counseling Committee (AACCC) under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. On the other hand, candidates seeking admission through the 85% state quota for AYUSH courses should apply to the respective state counselling authorities.

AACCC – UG Counselling

  1. 15% All India Quota UG (BAMS/BUMS/BSMS/BHMS) seats under Govt./Govt. aided institute of all States/ Union Territories.
  2. 100% UG (BAMS/BUMS/BSMS/BHMS) seats under National/ Central Institutes.
  3. 100% UG (BAMS) seats under Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
  4. 50% BUMS seats of AMU, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.
  5. 50% BAMS & BHMS seats of NEIA&H, Shilong, Meghalaya.
  6. 100% UG (BAMS/BUMS/BSMS/BHMS) seats of all Deemed Universities.
  7. 100% UG seats (15% All India Quota + 85% Delhi Quota) of ASU & H Institutes under Delhi University as per eligibility conditions provided by the University.

 Registration Process

Step 1: Visit the official website. (AACCC)
Step 2: Click on the registration link.
Step 3: Fill in personal details.
Step 4: Enter academic qualifications.
Step 5: Upload required documents.
Step 6: Pay the registration fee online.
Step 7: Submit the form.
Step 8: Receive confirmation or acknowledgement.

AACCC Counselling Process

Here is a table summarizing the AACCC Counselling process for each round, including the eligibility criteria and process steps:

RoundEligibility for ParticipationProcess
Round 1Only NEET (UG) – 2024 qualified candidates are eligible.1. Register for AACCC-UG Counseling.
2. Pay the Counseling Fee (Non-Refundable Registration Fee + Security Deposit Money).
3. Fill in and lock your choices.
4. Seat allotment list published (result).
5. Physically report to the allotted college.
Round 2NEET (UG)-2024 qualified candidates who did not register in Round 1.
Candidates registered in Round 1 but were not allotted a seat. Candidates who opted for free exit in Round 1.
Candidates who joined the allotted seat in Round 1 and submitted willingness for up-gradation in Round 2.
1. Register for AACCC-UG Counseling (Candidates from Round 1 need not register again). 2. Pay the Counseling Fee (Non-Refundable Registration Fee + Security Money) if not paid already.
3. Fill in and lock your choices.
4. Seat allotment list published (result).
5. Physically report to the allotted college.
Round 3/Mop-up RoundNEET (UG)-2024 qualified candidates who did not register in Round 1 & 2.
Candidates registered but not allotted seats in Round 1 & 2.
Candidates registered in Round 1/Round 2 and availed of Free Exit.
Candidates who joined the Round 1 seat and submitted willingness for upgradation but did not participate in Round 2.
Candidates who joined the Round 2 seat and submitted willingness for up-gradation in Round 3.
Candidates who leave/resign the Round 2 seat, with forfeiture of Security money, three days before Round 3 can participate with complete fees.
1. Register for AACCC-UG Counseling (Candidates from Round 1/2 need not register again).
2. Pay the Counseling Fee (Non-Refundable Registration Fee + Security Money if not paid already).
3. Fill in and lock your choices.
4. Seat allotment list published (result).
5. Physically report to the allotted college.
Stray Vacancy Round for AIQG/AIQGA/CU/NIAll registered candidates who were not admitted to any seats through AACCC-UG counseling or state/UT counseling.1. No fresh registration.
2. Submit willingness in the AACCC-UG portal with an undertaking that you do not hold any UG (ASU&H) seats allotted through AACCC-UG counseling or state/UT counseling.
3. Option for choice filling is available.
4. No upgradation from the Mop-up Round to Stray Vacancy Round.
Stray Vacancy Round for Deemed UniversityAll registered AACCC-UG counseling candidates are eligible.1. AACCC sends a list of eligible registered candidates to Deemed Universities.
2. Deemed Universities conduct the Stray Vacancy Round for seat allotment. 3. Seat allocation strictly in order of merit.
4. Domicile-free seats.

Please note that the process provided is a simplified overview of the AACCC Counselling process. It is recommended to refer to the official AACCC website or relevant sources for more detailed and up-to-date information.

Documents Required

  • Admit Cards of Exam issued by NTA.
  • Result/ Rank letter issued by NTA.
  • Date of Birth Certificate (if High School Certificate does not bear the same)
  • Class 10th Certificate
  • Class 10+2 Certificate
  • Class 10+2 Marks Sheet
  • Eight (8) Passport size photograph same as affixed on the application form.
  • Provisional allotment letter generated on-line.
  • Proof of identity (Aadhar/ PAN/ Driving Licence/ Passport)
  • The Candidate should also bring the following certificate, if applicable

Telangana Participating AYUSH Colleges

College NameTotal Seats
BAMS- Govt
DR.BRKR Government Ayurvedic Medical College39
A.L. Government Ayurvedic Medical College40
BHMS- Govt
DR.JSPS. GOVT. Homeopathic Medical College80
BHMS -Private
Devs Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital 25
JIMS Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital50
MNR Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital50
Hamsa Homeopathy Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre50
BUMS- Govt
Govt Nizamia Tibbia College58
Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Erragadda 
BUMS- Private
Global Unani Medical College for Women’s HyderabadN/A
Al-Arif Unani Medical College, Bandlaguda, Hyderabad 100
BNYS- Govt
Gandhi Naturopathic Medical College30

Seat Matrix

All India Quota
Anantha Laxmi Govt.
Ayurved College,
Warangal, Telangana
Dr. B R K R
Government Ayurveda
College, Hyder
BHMS CollegeOpenOpen PwDGeneral EWSOBCSCSC PwDST PwDSTGeneral EWS PwDTotal Seat
JSPS Govt Homoeopathic Medical
College, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad

Telangana Ayush Counselling Fee Structure

BAMS College NameFee Structure (P.A.)
DR. BRKR Government Ayurvedic Medical College10982
A.L. Government Ayurvedic Medical College10982
BUMS College NameFee Structure (Per Annum)
Govt Nizamia Tibbia College1170 (Admission Fee)

Telangana AYUSH Counselling Cut-Off

NEET AYUSH Cut Off is the minimum qualifying score that aspiring candidates need to achieve in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) to secure admission in AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) courses.

The cut-off is determined by the regulatory authorities and varies each year based on factors such as the number of applicants and the difficulty level of the exam. It serves as a benchmark for selecting candidates for AYUSH undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various colleges and universities across India. Meeting the NEET AYUSH Cut Off is essential for aspiring students to pursue their dreams of studying AYUSH disciplines and starting on a career in alternative medicine.

NEET AYUSH Cutoff 2024

CategoryCut-Off PercentileNEET Cut-Off 2023NEET Cut-Off 2024No. Of Candidates
UR/EWS50th Percentile720-137720-16211,65,334
OBC40th Percentile136-107161-1271,00,876
SC40th Percentile136-107161-12734,420
ST40th Percentile136-107161-12714,414
UR/EWS-PwD45th Percentile136-121151-144469
OBC-PwD40th Percentile120-107143-127269
SC-PwD40th Percentile120-107143-12754
ST-PwD40th Percentile120-107142-12713

AYUSH College Predictor

Are you aspiring to pursue a career in Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Siddha, or Naturopathy? GLN Admission Advice’s AYUSH College Predictor 2024 is here to guide you through the admission process. By using your AYUSH 2024 rank or score, our predictor helps you identify the best medical colleges where you have a high chance of securing admission. GLN Admission Advice offers specialized predictors for each AYUSH discipline, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and accurate guidance:

AYUSH Counselling Expert

AYUSH Counselling Expert offers personalized support and guidance throughout the entire admission process for AYUSH courses. Whether you’re aiming for a degree in Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Siddha, or Naturopathy, our team of experts is here to help you make informed decisions, ensuring you find the best possible college that matches your academic profile and career aspirations. GLN Admission Advice’s AYUSH Counselling Expert is designed to simplify this process and provide you with expert guidance to secure a seat in a top medical college.

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Telangana AYUSH Counselling 2025 Seat Matrix

Telangana AYUSH Counselling Cutoff 2025

Telangana AYUSH Counselling 2025 Merit List

Telangana AYUSH Counselling 2025 Seat Allotment

Telangana AYUSH Counselling 2025 Conducting Authority

Telangana AYUSH Counselling 2025 schedule

Telangana AYUSH Counselling 2025 official website

Telangana AYUSH Counselling 2025 registration-Step By Step Process

Telangana Ayush Counselling FAQ

What is the website for Karnataka Ayush Counselling?

Kaloji Narayana Rao University Of Health Sciences, Telangana (KNRUHS) website is the website for Karnataka Ayush Counselling.

Who are the Telangana Ayush NEET Counselling 2025 conducting authorities?

Telangana BAMS, BHMS/BNYS, BUMS Counselling 2025 is being held online by Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences.

How can I apply for Ayush admission in Telangana?

The NEET Scorecard is used to determine admission to Ayush College of Telangana.

How will seats for Telangana BAMS, BHMS/BNYS, and BUMS 2025 Ayush NEET Counselling be allocated?

Ayush seats would be allocated at Telangana BAMS, BHMS/BNYS, BUMS 2024 Ayush Counselling based on Ayush NEET-UG 2024 scores.

When will the Telangana Ayush NEET 2025 Counselling begin?

After the centralised NEET Ayush Counselling is completed, the Telangana Ayush NEET Counselling  procedure is expected to begin from first week of September 2024.

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