AIAPGET College Predictor 2022

AIAPGET 2022 College Predictor is an innovative tool designed to forecast a candidate’s likely rank for admission to Postgraduate courses. The College predictor assists in predicting rank using previous year data and trends. 

The College predictor informs candidates of their expected rank based on their examination scores. College predictor objectifies students’ marks in each category and predicts your college.

It is a one-of-a-kind method for predicting a student’s chances of admission to Postgraduate colleges by taking the AIAPGET (All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test) administered by the National Testing Agency (NTA).

AIAPGET College Predictor 2022

Enter your AIAPGET rank to predict AYUSH colleges that you can get admission

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How to use AIAPGET College Predictor?

Candidates can use the AIAPGET college predictor tool by following the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Navigate to AIAPGET College Predictor page

Step 2: Enter your PG All India Rank, email address, mobile number, seat type, and category, and then click Submit.

Step 3:Once the details are entered, the candidates’ mobile numbers will be registered, and an OTP with their ranks will be sent to their phones.

Benefits Of AIAPGET Predictor Tool

Data from the colleges’ courses is generated into a database, which will be used to assess students’ chances of admission to the desired college based on their performance in the PG Entrance Exam. Let’s look at some of the benefits of prediction tools:

  • A speculative idea serves as a predictive tool to assist students in beginning to prepare for college admission.
  • Colleges are rated and graded based on factors such as placement history, infrastructure, and student reviews/ratings, among others. This may help candidates determine which colleges they are qualified for based on their test scores.
  • If the expectations meet the students’/candidates’ needs, they will be one step ahead of the competition and well prepared for the admissions process.
  • Students may choose the best college for them based on their results.

AIAPGET Result 2022

The All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test (AIAPGET) was held by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission to various courses for the academic year 2022-23. The exam was administered via computer-based testing (CBT). The test was objective in nature, with multiple choice questions (MCQs).

As detailed below, the exam was held in 04 disciplines for admission to the aforementioned programmes.

Name Of CourseNo Of CitiesNo. Of Exam CentresMedium
Ayurveda92164English & Hindi
SiddhaEnglish & Tamil
UnaniEnglish & Urdu

AIAPGET-2022 took place in two shifts. Ayurveda is practised during the first shift, and Homeopathy, Siddha, and Unani are practised during the second shift.

The exam was conducted in accordance with all necessary precautions, such as social distancing, sanitization, staggered entry of candidates into the exam hall, provision of masks to candidates, and so on, as prescribed by the Government of India.

The following number of candidates registered for the exam:


The following are the gender breakdowns of those who registered for the exam.


Documents Required During Ayush PG Counselling 2022 

  • AIAPGET 20212 admit card
  • AIAPGET 2022 result
  • Mark Sheets of BAMS/BUMS/BHMS/BSMS
  • BAMS/BUMS/BHMS/BSMS Degree Certificate
  • Internship Completion Certificate stating that the candidate has completed his/her duration by January 31, 2022.
  • Permanent/Provisional Registration Certificate issued by CCIM/State Medical Council
  • High school/higher secondary certificate/birth certificate
  • A valid photo ID proof (PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport or Aadhar Card)
  • Caste/community Certificate


How to get registered on the AACCC website/Portal and howto fill Choices?

Candidates will have to log on to the website ( to get registered and then fill-in choices. Further candidates may advise to make a tentative list as per their own preference of colleges/Courses after going through the seat matrix before choice filling/locking.

Please, also note that the registration facility will be available at the beginning of the 1st Round, 2nd Round, and 3rd/Mop-up Round.There will be no fresh registration for Stray Vacancy Round.

Do I have to report to any counseling center for registration or choice filling?

No, Online registration and choice filling can be done from the place of convenience (including from home) using a laptop/computer with an uninterrupted internet facility.

Do I require any documents to get registered online?

Since it is an online allotment (Counseling) process, no documents are required. However, you need to fill up the same information that you have given at the time of registration for the AIAPGET, 2022 examination.

Is there any restriction for filling up number of choices of Institutions and courses?

No, during online choice filling, you can give as many choices as you wish. However, choices of colleges/courses should be in the order of candidates’ preference (higher to lower). There will be common software for AIQ/ Deemed/ National Institutes/Central Universities for filling up choices.

Can I modify my choices during the choice submission period for counseling?

Yes, you can modify, add or delete your choices during the choice Filling/Locking period. Further, you are requested to do the same before locking the choices by yourself or by the System as per schedule/ Server time.

How much time will be given to join the allotted course/college?

Candidates who are allotted seats will be required to join the allotted College/Course within stipulated time from the date of allotment as mentioned in the counseling schedule. 

However, candidates are advised to join as early as possible and not to wait till the last day of joining, due to the different schedules of holiday/working hours in various AYUSH Colleges. In some of the Colleges it takes 4 to 5 days for completion of admission formalities.

Is it necessary to join the allotted ASU&H College to get a chance to participate in the 2nd Round?

No, candidates need not report/join the allotted college in the 1st Round, since there is free exit. However, if he/she wants to hold the allotted seat in the 1st Round, he/she need to join the college physically and give up-gradation willingness for 2nd Round at the time of admission.

What documents are required at the time of joining in allotted AYUSH College?

A. Original documents (along with attested photocopies of documents) required at the time of joining in allotted ASU&H College are as mentioned below:

  • Allotment Letter issued by AACCC
  • AIAPGET-2021 Admit Card issued byNTA
  • AIAPGET-2021 Result/Rank Letter issued by NTA
  • Mark Sheet of Higher Secondary.
  • Mark Sheets of BAMS/BUMS/BHMS/BSMS 1st, 2nd & 3rd Professional Examinations or 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Professional Examinations (as applicable). 
  • BAMS/BUMS/BHMS/BSMS Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate or undertaking from candidate to submit Degree Certificate after completion of Internship incase of candidate, who are completing their Internship by 31st of December, 2021(Extended due to Covid Pandemic for the academic year 2021-22 only).
  • Internship Completion Certificate/Certificate from the Head of Institution or College that the candidate shall complete the Internship by 31st December, 2021. 
  • Permanent/Provisional Registration Certificate issued by CCIM/CCH/State Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani/Homoeopathy Board, Provisional Registration Certificate is acceptable only in cases where candidate is undergoing internship and likely to be completed the same on or before 31st December, 2021. 
  • AACCC has no role in the fixation of Fee Structure/ Stipend of AYUSH Colleges. Therefore, AACCC will not entertain any request or complaint regarding Fee Structure/Stipend.
  • Date of Birth Certificate. [If Matric (10th) Certificate does not bear the same.]
  • Proof of identity (Aadhar/ PAN/ Driving License/ Passport/ Voter ID )

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