Dr YSR University of Health Sciences

Dr YSR University of Health Sciences was established in 1986 And has shown commendable work in the medical education sector for imparting world-class educational knowledge and exceptional research previously known as Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences the Government of Andhra Pradesh has renamed the university’s name with  “Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences” by amending section 1 of the Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences (Amendment) Act, 2022. Act No.19 of 2022 was published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette No.19 Part-IV-B, dated October 28, 2022.

In its affiliated colleges, the University offers numerous UG, PG, Super Speciality, and Ph.D., Courses in Modern Medicine, Dental Surgery, Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Nursing, Physiotherapy, and Para Medical Graduate Courses. The total number of colleges affiliated with the University has increased from 27 at its inception to 271 as of today.

With a Vision to Bring together various health-related fields of study to provide quality education, research, and training for technically competent, internationally competitive, and socially relevant experts with moral codes. The University has taken upon the mission to inculcate compassion in education and training for a diverse set of students in a vibrant and collaborative environment. With so, University is reaching out to impeccable lengths in the educational sector of Indian medicine.

Andhra Pradesh Ayush Counseling 2022
Andhra Pradesh Ayush Counselling 2022 -2023

Dr YSR University of Health Sciences Highlights

Name of the University Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada
Formerly Known as Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences
Established In1986
LocationVijayawada, Andhra Pradesh 
Courses OfferedBHMS, BAMS, BUMS, BNYS
Popular coursesBAMS, BHMS, PG Ayurveda, MBBS, MD/MS
UG Entrances Exam NEET Conducted  By NTA
PG Entrance Exam All India AYUSH Post-Graduation Entrance Test (AIAPGET)
AddressRing Near Siddhartha Medical College, Beside New Government General Hospital, near Ramavarappadu, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh 520008
Emai IDdrntruhs@gmail.com

Dr YSR University of Health Sciences AYUSH Courses

1AyurvedaBAMS, PG Ayurveda
4Yoga and NaturopathyBNYS

(University also has offered various Graduate and Post Graduate courses in other streams such as physical science, life science, earth science, social science, humanities, commerce, technology, and medicine.)

Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada Ayush Courses Syllabus

For Ayurveda (BAMS) Course

First ProfessionalSecond ProfessionalThird ProfessionalFourth Professional
Padartha Vigyan And Ayurved ItihasDravyaguna VigyanAgadtantraKayachikitsa
SanskritRoga NidanSwasthavrittaPanchkarma
Kriya SharirRasashastraPrasuti Tantra Evum Stri RogaShalya Tantra
Rachana SharirCharak SamhitaKaumarbhritya ParichayaShalakya Tantra
Maulik Siddhant Avum Ashtang HridayaCharak Samhita (Uttarardha)Research Methodology And Medical Statistics

For Homeopathy (BHMS)

Semester 1Physiology including BiochemistryHomoeopathic PharmacyMateria Medica
Semester 2Organon of MedicinePrinciples of Homoeopathic Philosophy and PsychologyAnatomy, Histology, and Embryology
Semester 3Surgery includes ENT, Eye Dental, and Homoeo therapeutics.Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infant care and Homoeo therapeuticsThe practice of Medicine and Homeo. Therapeutics
Semester 4Pathology and Microbiology including Parasitology Bacteriology and VirologyForensic Medicine & ToxicologyOrganon of Medicine and Principles of Homoeopathic PhilosophyHomoeopathic Materia Medica
Semester 5Materia MedicaOrganon of MedicineResearch Project
Semester 6The practice of Medicine & Homoeo therapeuticsSurgery including ENT, Ophthalmology & dental & Homoeo. TherapeuticsObstetrics & Gynaecology Infant care & Homoeo. therapeutics
Semester 7Organon of MedicineRepertoryCommunity Medicine
Semester 8The practice of Medicine & Homoeo therapeuticsHomoeopathic Materia Medica

For Unani (BUMS)

Professional Year IProfessional Year IIProfessional Year IIIProfessional Year IV
Arabic and Mantiq wa Falsafa (Logic Philosophy and Astronomy)Tareekh-e-tib (History of Medicine)Communication skillsMoalajat – I (General Medicine)
Kulliyat Umoore Tabiya (Basic Principles of Unani Medicine)Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib (Preventive and Community Medicine)Ilmul Saidla wa Murakkabat (Unani Pharmacy)Moalajat – II
Tashreeh Ul Badan (Anatomy)Ilmul AdviaTibbe Qanooni wa Ilmul Samoom (Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology)Amraze Niswan (Gynaecology)
Munafeul Aaza (Physiology)Mahiyatul Amraz (Pathology)Sareeriyat wa Usoole Ilaj (Bedside clinic and principles of management)Ilmul Qabalat wa Naumalood (Obstetrics and Neonatology)

Ilaj Bit Tadbeer (Regional Therapy)Ilmul Jarahat (Surgery)


Amraz-e-Atfal (Paediatrics)Ain, Uzn, Anaf, Halaq wa Asnan (Ophthalmology and Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat)

For Yoga and Naturopathy (BNYS)

First YearSecond YearThird YearFinal year
AnatomyPathologyManipulative Therapy(Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation)
PhysiologyMicrobiologyAcupuncture, Acupressure & Reflexology(Hydro & Mud Therapy)
Philosophy ofNaturecureYoga PhilosophyYoga & Its Applications)(Obstetrics & Gynecology
Basic Principles of YogaChromo & Magneto Therapy(Naturopathy Diagnosis Conventional Medicine, First Aid & Emergency Medicine(Yoga therapy )
BiochemistryCommunity Health & MedicineForensic Medicine & Toxicology(Hospital Management, Research Methodology & Medical Statics)
SanskritBasic Pharmacology & PharmacognosyFasting Therapy, Nutrition & Dietetics(Clinical Naturopathy) 

Eligibility Criteria For BAMS/BUMS/BHMS/BNYS


Intermediate (10+2 pattern)with Botany, Zoology, Physics and Chemistry as optional, which shall include a practical test in each subject.

OC – 50% marks in Science subjects

BC/SC/ST – 40% marks in Science subjects or its equivalent examination with Botany, Zoology, Physics and Chemistry as optional which shall include a practical test in each subject or Intermediate (10+2) with Bridge course with Botany, Zoology, Physics and Chemistry In addition to the above, a candidate seeking admission into BUMS course should have passed 10th standard with Urdu or Arabic or Persian language as the subject or passed the test of Urdu by the Board or Registered Society authorized by the Government to conduct such examination. or The Pre-Tib examination of one-year duration, and NEET 2018 Rank


17 years by December of the year of admission

Category & Eligibility Criteria:

OC-Qualify in NEET UG

BC-Qualify in NEET UG

SC/ST-Qualify in NEET UG

OC PH-Qualify in NEET UG

Qualifying Exam:

NEET UG conducted by designated authority and notification likely be released in Oct/Nov

University fee: Rs.8,500/-

Admission Process 

The AYUSH Admission Central Counseling Committee manages admission to 15% All India Quota seats in government BAMS colleges in India (AACCC). While admission to the 85% government state quota seats of the BAMS course in India is handled by the state’s affiliated university. 

NEET is a mandatory test for admission to a BAMS course beginning this academic year. Check out the step-by-step process for applying to a BAMS course via NEET.

  • Apply For NEET
  • Appear at NEET
  • NEET Result Declaration
  • Enrollment at BAMS College
  • Allotment of Seats at BAMS College
  • Counseling basis Your NEET Score

Counseling Process 

A candidate can register for Andhra Pradesh Ayush Counseling 2022 by visiting the official portal of the Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh (Click Here). Let’s talk about the Andhra Pradesh Ayush 2022 counseling process. We have described the counseling process in detail below. The Andhra Pradesh Ayush  2022 Counseling information (College, Seats, Quota) is available in PDF format for candidates to review.

Registration Procedure: Applicants must register online for the counseling process and carefully fill out all of the required information in the form.

Provisional Merit List: A merit list will be prepared following the successful completion of the registration process.

Document Verification Process: Shortlisted applicants will be able to proceed with the document verification process; at the time of registration, you must select any one center for document verification.

Choices/ Filling Out: Applicants can fill out their choices/preferences online.

Seat Allocation: Applicants will be chosen based on their merit, preferences, and the availability of seats.

Reporting Procedure: According to the seat allotment, you must report to the allotted college and bring their original documents as well as photocopies on the prescribed date & timing.

AACCC Registration Process & Counseling

The counseling of AACCC will start around 15–17 days after the NEET 2022 result, and the schedule for counseling by AYUSH will be issued by AACCC. Seat allotment is done by the AACCC on the basis of the merits of the NEET score. You will be issued an allotment letter on the website of the AACCC after seat allotment. After downloading the allotment letter from here, you will have to report to the allotted college along with the original documents.

How do I register for AACCC counseling?

15 – 17 days after the result of NEET 2022 is declared by AACCC on the website of AACCC (www.aaccc.gov.in)

According to the schedule for admission to the Ayurvedic course, registration for counseling will be started. You have to register. After that, the registration fee has to be paid and the security fee has to be deposited. Which is as follows :-

For – 15% AIQ/ CU /NI

  • Nonrefundable Registration Fees – Rs. 1000/- for all candidates.                                  
  • Refundable Security amount – Rs. 10,000/- for all candidates.

At the time of registration, all the category candidates will have to pay Rs. 11,000/- to the government institution by depositing registration fees plus security fees, and if they register for deemed also, they can use the Reuse Registration option. They have to deposit registration fees plus security fees for Deemed. But keep in mind that this option can be used only once.

What things should be kept in mind while choice filling and in which order to fill?

  1. First fill the top college, if the marks are less, then fill such a college first whose education is good.
  2. Fill the low fee college first, because there are many colleges whose fees are very high.
  3. After filling the top college, you have to fill the college of your state.
  4. Before selecting Deemed University, take information from its website or talk to the helpline number in the college. Along with the tuition fees of the college, check other expenses like Hostel, Mess, Sports etc.
  5. Get information about the Bond from the Participating Institute on the web portal of AACCC.
  6. Give priority to such a state so that you can get benefits in PG.
  7. Give priority to Old Medical College first. Filling the new college in the last.

Counseling Process

AACCC conducts online counseling for First, Second Round and 3rd/Mop Up Round of All India Quota/Central University/National Institute and Deemed University for admission to BAMS, BUMS, BSMS and BUMS courses.

First Round Counseling

After registering on the website of AACCC and depositing the registration fees and security fees, the result of the first round will be published by the AACCC according to the choice fill made by the candidate for the first round. First the provisional result is published, after there is no problem or objection in it, the final result is published. Some of its important points are as follows:-

  1. The first round is the free exit round. You can leave the allotted seat in it, there is no need to join it. 
  2. In this condition the security money deposited by you will be returned after counseling over in the same account from which you had deposited. You will also be eligible for the next round of AACCC and state counseling.
  3. If you get an allotted seat in the first round and you want to join it, then you have to download the allotment letter from the website of AACCC and report to the allotted college along with the original documents. The admission formalities have to be completed by depositing one year fee along with original documents in the allotted college.
  4. If you want a better college than this by participating in the second round, you will be given the option of upgrading and will be able to participate in the second round. Yes, you must select the upgrade willingness option in this condition. If you are happy with your first-round seat and do not want to participate in the second round, select No on the upgrade option form.
  5. If you joined the seat in the first round and later decide to leave because you have a better seat in your state, you can do so before the second round of AACCC registration begins. Its due date has been set. Before that date, go to your first-round college and resign from your assigned seat, as well as collect your original documents and deposit fees.
  6. If a candidate is not allotted a seat in the first round then he/she is eligible for the second round.

Second Round Counseling

  1. All candidates who participated in the first round are eligible for the second round. Those who did not register in the first round may do so in the second. There was no need to suppress the candidates who had registered in the first round. However, in the second round, all candidates will be required to fill the new choice.
  2. The first round’s choice fill will not be considered in this round; they will be automatically removed. The first provisional result is published in this round as well, and if there are no problems or objections, the final result is published. Some of its key points are as follows:
  3. If you want to join the AACCC Fresh Seat allotted in the second round, you must download the allotment letter from the AACCC website and report to the allotted college with the original documents. Admission formalities must be completed by depositing a one-year fee and original documents in the designated college.
  4. If you have a seat allotment in AIQ/Deemed in the second round and do not want to join, there will be no problem. The Security Money you deposited will be returned to you. You will also be eligible for further counseling. The second round of free exit is available until you join it. After joining, you are unable to leave that seat.
  5. If you are assigned a seat in AIQ / CU / NI / Deemed in the second round and join it, but later decide to resign from that seat for any reason, you will be ineligible for the next round of AACCC and State Counseling.
  6. If your seat is upgraded in the second round, your first-round seat will be automatically canceled and assigned to another candidate. You must first visit the joined college of the first round to obtain the relieving letter, then proceed to the allotted college of the second round to complete the admission formalities.
  7. If you were given the option to upgrade in the first round and did not upgrade in the second round, your first round seat will remain the same. On that seat, you will be considered Joined.
  8. If a candidate is allotted a seat in the SC/ST/OBC/EWS category in any college in the first round, and then in the second round, in the same college, if the seat is allotted to him in the UR category, the candidate must repeat the admission formalities.
  9. The first round is a free exit, so there will be no problem when filling any choice in it, but the second round has to be done carefully.
  10. In the Mop Up round, seats that were joined in the first and second rounds can be upgraded.

Mop Up round Counseling

AACCC conducts a mop-up round to fill the vacant seat after the second round of AIQ / CU / NI / Deemed University. Candidates who were not selected in the first and second rounds of the AACCC are eligible for this round. Candidates who joined the seat in the first and second rounds of AACCC are eligible for this; they can upgrade the seat allotted to them in their previous round. For the mop up round, new registration is possible.

Those who registered in the first and second rounds do not need to register again. Like the first and second rounds, the provisional result is published first, followed by the final result if there are no problems or objections. Some of its key points are as follows:

  1. In the Mop Up round, all candidates will be required to fill a new choice. Choice fills from the second round are not considered in this round and are automatically removed.
  2. Following seat allotment in the Mop Up Round, the allotment letter must be downloaded from the AACCC website and delivered to the assigned medical college along with the original documents. Admission formalities must be completed by depositing a one-year fee and original documents in the designated college.
  3. If you are allotted a seat in AIQ / CU / NI / Deemed in Mop Up round and do not join, the security money you deposited will be forfeited, but you will be eligible for Stray Vacancy Round of Central Universities/National Institute and State Counseling.
  4. If you are allotted a seat in AIQ / CU / NI / Deemed in Mop Up round and join it, but later decide to resign from that seat for any reason, your security money will be confiscated (forfeiture) and you will be ineligible for Stray Vacancy Round of AIQ/Central Universities/National Institute and State Counseling.

Stray Vacancy Round

The vacant seat at AIQ/Central University/National Institute is filled in this round through admission counseling by AACCC. There is no new registration in this round, and online allotment is done based on the Mop Up round selected. Deemed University is responsible for filling the counseling positions. The AACCC publishes a list of candidates registered for Deemed University on its website, as well as vacant seats by the institute.

This list contains the names of candidates who have not yet been appointed. In order to participate in the stray vacancy round, the student must be physically present. The Stray vacancy round schedule is available on the institute’s website, and it is brief, lasting only 2-3 days. The NEET score of the current student in the institute is used to fill the vacant seat.

Dr. YSR University of health Science-Affiliated Colleges

List of Affiliated Ayurveda Colleges

Sr. No.Colleges Affiliated to Dr. YSR University of Health ScienceLocation
1Dr. NR Shastry Govt. Ayurvedic College, VijayawadaVijayawada
2Sri Venkateswara Ayurvedic College, Tirupati NorthTirupati North
3Sri Adi Siva Sadguru Alli Saheb Sivaaryula Ayurvedic Medical College, and Research Centre, AnantapurAnantapur

List of Affiliated Homeopathy Colleges

Sr. No.Affiliated colleges to Dr. YSR University of Health ScienceLocation
1A.S.R. Homoeopathic Medical College, TadepalligudemTadepalligudem
2Dr. Allu Ramalingaiah Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, East GodavariEast Godavari
3Dr. Gururaju Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, GudivadaGudivada
4Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, CuddapahCuddapah
5KKC Homoeopathic Medical College, ChittoorChittoor
6.Maharajah Institute of Homoeopathy Sciences and Hospital, VizianagaramVizianagaram

List of affiliated Unani Colleges

Sr. No.Affiliated colleges to Dr. YSR University of Health ScienceLocation
1Dr. Abdul Haq Unani Medical College & Hospital, Kurnool  Kurnool

List of affiliated Yoga and Naturopathy Colleges

Sr. No.Affiliated colleges to Dr. YSR University of Health ScienceLocation
1Care Yoga Naturopathy Medical College, GunturGuntur  
2Sri Pathanjali Maharshi Naturopathy & Yoga Medical College,Guntakal

Frequently Asked Questions

When Was the Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences established?

Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences Was established in 1986.

What is the official website for Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences?

The official website for Dr. YSR University Of Health Science is http://drntruhs.in/

What AYUSH courses do Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences offer?

University offers varieties of courses such As BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BNYS, and other Diploma, and Certificate Courses.

How Many Unani colleges Are affiliated with Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences?

Only 1 Unani College of Andhra Pradesh is affiliated with Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences.

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