Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, also known as B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University, is a state university in the Indian state of Bihar, in the city of Muzaffarpur. This university was established in 1960 and has 37 constituent colleges. Courses in distance education are also available. In addition, the university hosts symposiums, seminars, and workshops. It is the city’s premier teaching and learning institution, offering full-time and part-time courses ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate and research levels.

The University’s courses have been approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC). The university is the city’s premier teaching and learning institution, offering a wide range of full-time and part-time courses from undergraduate to postgraduate and research levels. In addition to providing higher education, the university serves as an affiliated link between several colleges and institutes located throughout the state. The University belongs to the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

Since 1987, the University Grants Commission has been assisting colleges in acquiring personal computers through the scheme of providing computers to colleges. UGC proposes in the X Plan to establish UGC Network Resource Centres (UGC-NRC) in colleges, where assistance would be provided for the purchase of computers as well as Internet access.

Bihar Ayush Counselling 2022
Bihar Ayush Counselling 2022 -2023

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Highlights

Name of the University Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzzafarpur
Popularly Known As B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University
Established In1960
LocationMuzaffarpur, Bihar
Courses OfferedBAMS, BHMS,
Popular coursesBAMS, BHMS
UG Entrances Exam NEET Conducted  By NTA
PG Entrance Exam All India AYUSH Post-Graduation Entrance Test (AIAPGET)
AddressKalambagh Rd, B.R.Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar 842001

Courses Available At Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University,

3HomeopathyBHMS, MD(Homeopathy)

B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University Courses Syllabus

For Ayurveda (BAMS) Course

First ProfessionalSecond ProfessionalThird ProfessionalFourth Professional
Padartha Vigyan And Ayurved ItihasDravyaguna VigyanAgadtantraKayachikitsa
SanskritRoga NidanSwasthavrittaPanchkarma
Kriya SharirRasashastraPrasuti Tantra Evum Stri RogaShalya Tantra
Rachana SharirCharak SamhitaKaumarbhritya ParichayaShalakya Tantra
Maulik Siddhant Avum Ashtang HridayaCharak Samhita (Uttarardha)Research Methodology And Medical Statistics

For Unani (BUMS) Course

Professional Year IProfessional Year IIProfessional Year IIIProfessional Year IV
Arabic and Mantiq wa Falsafa (Logic Philosophy and Astronomy)Tareekh-e-tib (History of Medicine)Communication skillsMoalajat – I (General Medicine)
Kulliyat Umoore Tabiya (Basic Principles of Unani Medicine)Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib (Preventive and Community Medicine)Ilmul Saidla wa Murakkabat (Unani Pharmacy)Moalajat – II
Tashreeh Ul Badan (Anatomy)Ilmul AdviaTibbe Qanooni wa Ilmul Samoom (Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology)Amraze Niswan (Gynaecology)
Munafeul Aaza (Physiology)Mahiyatul Amraz (Pathology)Sareeriyat wa Usoole Ilaj (Bedside clinic and principles of management)Ilmul Qabalat wa Naumalood (Obstetrics and Neonatology)

Ilaj Bit Tadbeer (Regional Therapy)Ilmul Jarahat (Surgery)


Amraz-e-Atfal (Paediatrics)Ain, Uzn, Anaf, Halaq wa Asnan (Ophthalmology and Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat)

For Homeopathy (BHMS)

Semester 1Physiology including BiochemistryHomoeopathic PharmacyMateria Medica
Semester 2Organon of MedicinePrinciples of Homoeopathic Philosophy and PsychologyAnatomy, Histology, and Embryology
Semester 3Surgery includes ENT, Eye Dental, and Homoeo therapeutics.Obstetrics & Gynaecology Infant care and Homoeo therapeuticsThe practice of Medicine and Homeo. Therapeutics
Semester 4Pathology and Microbiology including Parasitology Bacteriology and VirologyForensic Medicine & ToxicologyOrganon of Medicine and Principles of Homoeopathic PhilosophyHomoeopathic Materia Medica
Semester 5Materia MedicaOrganon of MedicineResearch Project
Semester 6The practice of Medicine & Homoeo therapeuticsSurgery including ENT, Ophthalmology & dental & Homoeo. TherapeuticsObstetrics & Gynaecology Infant care & Homoeo. therapeutics
Semester 7Organon of MedicineRepertoryCommunity Medicine
Semester 8The practice of Medicine & Homoeo therapeuticsHomoeopathic Materia Medica

Eligibility Criteria  For BAMS/BUMS/BHMS

Entrance ExamNEET Entrance Exam
AgeIn terms of age, only aspirants aged 17 and up were permitted to register for the national entrance examination.
Qualification10+2 Intermediate science or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology is the basic requirement for admission. Student must have attained the age of 17 years as of 31st December of the year of admission. There may be changes in eligibility rules by the CCH or State Government or University, Which only will be applicable as per the regulation prevailing.

Admission Process

Online applications on prescribed forms are invited from qualified, eligible, and interested NEET(UG)-2021 candidates for appearing in the Under Graduate Medical Admission Counseling (UGMAC)-2022 in order to select candidates for admission to the first-year UG Ayush Medical Courses (BAMS / BHMS / BUMS) in Government / Private Ayush Colleges of Bihar state based on the Merit-list / Rank-List of NEET (UG)-2022 conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).

Required process for online application: For joining UGMAC-2022, you can get the prospectus by downloading it from the board’s website:

Eligible candidates to appear in UGMAC-2022 click on the link of ‘Online Application Portal of UGMAC-2022’ on the above website and click on the “Apply Online” button. After this, the instruction will be seen for filling out the application form, the candidate should read and understand it well. 

The candidates who will not complete the online application process for UGMAC-2022 will not be able to attend any counseling related to UGMAC 2022 and their claim in this regard will not be valid.

Stated Procedure follow-up

BAMS / BHMS / BUMS of Bihar State Government / Private Ayurvedic / Homeopathic / Unani Medical Colleges on the basis of UGMAC-2022 in accordance with- BCECEB(UGMAC)-2022. All eligible candidates/concerned parents/institutions involved in UGMAC-2022 (AYUSH) are informed as follows about Online Counseling for seat allotment on the course vacancies; 

(A) Government / Private Ayurvedic of the state from the eligible candidates of NEET(UG)-2022 against the above advertisement prepared on the basis of NEET(UG)-2022. The rank card of the candidates included in the merit list prepared by the Bihar Joint Entrance Competitive Examination Board,, has been given in light of the applications received for UGMAC (Ayush)-2022 for enrolment in the respective courses of Homoeopathic / Unani medical colleges. 

After visiting the candidate board’s website and clicking on the link “Rank Card of UGMAC-2022 (Ayush),” enter your UGMAC ID and date of birth to obtain your rank card. 

(B) (1) Candidates should go to the “Online Counseling Portal of UGMAC 2022 (Ayush)” for the Online Choice Filling / Counseling Process. Following that, in order to fill out the new registration and choices for Online Counseling, candidates must first register themselves by clicking on the link “Click here for New Registration” and enter the requested information on the computer screen.

(2) Following registration, the candidate logs in to his account using his UGMAC ID and Password and selects the maximum number of colleges and courses based on their preferences. Candidates can edit their selection after filling it out. If the candidates are satisfied with their choices, they can lock them according to the schedule. If the candidate does not lock his or her choice by the specified deadline, it will be automatically locked immediately after the deadline. After choice locking, there will be no way to change their mind. Candidates should print a copy of their choices and keep it in a safe place for future reference. 

Note: The registration, choice locking, and unlocking processes will be completed using OTP Authentication, which will be performed on the candidate’s registered mobile number. And will be sent to the email address provided (both). It is also disclosed that the registered mobile number And email address cannot be changed under any circumstances.


To register, the candidate must fill out the information requested in Step One of the application form, which appears on the computer screen. While registering, the candidate must ensure that he or she provides his or her own email address and phone number, as all registration-related information will be sent to the same email address and phone number. A text message will also be sent to the candidate. The email and SMS will contain an “ACTIVATION CODE” that the candidate must enter to activate his account. To activate his or her account, the candidate should click the “Activate Your Account” button and enter his or her email address and the activation code that was sent to him or her. After that, click the “Submit” button. To proceed, after activating the account, the candidate should click the “Sign in” button and enter their email address and password. The candidate is responsible for keeping the password entered in the Application Form confidential; otherwise, the BCECE Board will not be held liable for any complications. The candidate’s email address will serve as their user name.

Upload Photo and Signature:

After entering his or her personal information, the candidate should scan and upload his or her passport-size high-contrast photograph (the photo must be snapped with a placard containing the candidate’s name and snapping date), and full signature in Hindi and English (not in capital letters). After you’ve uploaded your photo and signature, click the “Save & Continue” button.

Preview your application:

After entering educational information, the candidate must verify all of the information provided by him/her. If any information is found to be incorrect, the candidate should click the “Back to Edit” button and make the necessary changes. The candidate should then click the “Save & Continue” button to have the entered information updated. If the preview of the application form is found to be correct, the candidate must sign his or her Declaration and click the “Confirm & Submit” button to pay the Examination Fee.

Payment of Counseling Fee:

After reviewing and submitting the Application Form, the candidate should click the “Proceed to Payment” button and follow the instructions on the computer screen to complete the payment procedure for the Counseling Fee. Counseling fees paid will not be refunded. Counseling fees can be paid in the following ways.

a. Online Payment: Candidates must pay the Counseling Fee online using a credit card, debit card, or net banking. To do so, they must select the online option from the payment mode displayed on the computer screen and “Make the Payment” using a credit card, debit card, or net banking. For online payments, the candidate must pay a processing fee in addition to the Counseling Fee.

b. Counseling Fee: The counseling fee is Rs. 1200/- (One Thousand Two Hundred) for unreserved/ BC / EBC candidates and Rs. 600/- (Six Hundred) for SC / ST / DQ candidates.

After paying the Counseling Fee by the due date and time, the candidate must download a hard copy (Part-A & Part-B) of the online submitted Application Form and keep it safe in his possession because it contains all information provided by the candidate as well as the UGMAC-ID made available by the Board for use during counseling.

Counseling Process

(1) The registration and selection process for online counseling is one-time. As a result, if a candidate does not register in the first round or does not register and fill out his/her choice, all such candidates will be denied the opportunity to re-register and fill out their choices for the next round of online counseling.

(2) Prior to seat allotment, the list of finalized choices will be emailed to the candidate’s registered email address.

(3) Seats will be assigned based on the choices made by candidates up until the deadline.

(4) The candidate can view their seat allotment result and download the Provisional Allotment Order by logging into their account on the scheduled date. If a candidate is dissatisfied with his or her allotted college and branch, express his or her desire for Upgradation for the next round when downloading the Provisional Allotment Order. If any candidates do not express their desire for upgradation for the next round of counseling, they will be ineligible to participate in the round.

(5) Document Verification/Admission in the allotted candidate’s provisional allotment order. The name and date of the Reporting / Nodal Center will be mentioned, and the candidate will be assigned to his or her respective Reporting / Nodal. If they arrive at the center before the deadline, their documents will be verified. If any candidate fails to have their documents verified by the due date for any reason, all of the allotted candidates will be ineligible for the next round. The assigned seat will be treated as vacant, and they will be ineligible for further counseling. However, if a candidate does not receive a seat in the first round, they must wait until the next round.

(6) Candidates will take their original certificate and signed Document Verification Slip after going to their Reporting / Nodal Center for Document Verification and expressing their desire for upgradation for the next round of counseling. If their seat is upgraded in the second round, the candidate will be given the first round Document Verification slip and original certificates at the Reporting / Nodal Center indicated on the Provisional Allotment Order on the prescribed date for enrolment on the allotted seat in the second round. Will undoubtedly be present within the specified time frame and accept nomination after submitting all original certificates at the Reporting / Nodal Center; otherwise, the seat allotted in this second round will be considered vacant, and the seat allotted in the previous (1st round) will also become vacant. Even if the candidate’s seat from the first cycle is retained, they will be marked on the Provisional Allotment Order on the specified date. Within the specified time frame, present the Document Verification Slip and the original certificate of the first cycle at the Reporting/Nodal Center. Will be present and accept the nomination by submitting all original certificates at the Reporting / Nodal Center; otherwise, their first cycle seat will be forfeited.

Important information related to counseling

(a) Applicants who are found guilty of adopting unfair means or do not follow the prescribed instructions in their online form / at the time of counseling / in any process of enrollment or after enrollment, they will not be allowed to enroll. will be expelled from the process. Legal action can also be taken against such expelled candidates as per the rules.

 (b) The process of counseling will be completed as per the guidelines given by the Health Department of the State Government for the selection of candidates for enrollment in the courses.

Bihar Quota merit on the basis of NEET(UG)-2022

If any mistake/mistake is detected in preparing the rank list, the nomination cannot be claimed.

On the basis of merit-cum-choice, on the basis of merit-cum-choice, the course/institute will be allotted on the prescribed date (in order of counseling) after checking the original copies of the certificates of each candidate and after checking their identity. Medical examination will have to be done for allotment and only if found eligible, the seat (course/institute) will be finally allotted.

The provision of the Medical Council of India / Central Council of Homeopathy / Central Council of Indian Medicine / Veterinary Council of India will be implemented for selection for enrollment on the basis of the NEET (UG)-2021 merit list. According to the letter received from the Health Department, Government of Bihar, in the future the State Government / Government of India. If any order/direction is received from the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India / Central Council of Homeopathy / Central Council of Indian Medicine / Veterinary Council of India / Hon’ble Court, action will be taken accordingly after due consideration.

Information published in newspapers through advertisements regarding NEET (UG)-2021. The notices or information/s posted on the Board’s website shall form part of the same prospectus.

Other Important Information:

  • Based on the merit list of NEET (UG)-2022, counseling will be conducted by the Bihar Joint Entrance Competitive Examination Board. All the decisions taken by the Board through the Controller of Examinations will be final and binding.
  • In addition to the information given in this brochure, if more information is required about a particular institute, then correspond directly with the officer of that institute.
  • Any amendment/change or any additional information, if any, in the information given in this prospectus will be informed to the applicants at the time of their interview or as soon as practicable before it.
  • From time to time, necessary information/information related to counseling of UGMAC-2022 will be given through the website. Please do not write unnecessary letters again and again out of curiosity, as it will not be possible to reply to such letters.
  • Bihar Joint Entrance Competitive Examination Board reserves the right to change/delete or add any rules/information contained in this prospectus/application form etc. issued for UGMAC-2022.
  • If a candidate’s candidature for this examination is canceled, there will be no obligation to inform him of the same.

(a) If a candidate is found guilty of producing false/erroneous or fake certificates at any time before UGMAC-2022, in the examination or after the examination, after the publication of the merit list, or/and after the enrollment, the nomination His candidature will automatically stand canceled.

(b) If a candidate is found guilty of indulging in malpractice or impersonation or using mobile/electronic gadget/Bluetooth in the examination hall of NEET(UG)-2022. If caught with them is confirmed, then the allotment order issued for enrollment will be automatically canceled.

  • All the candidates included in the merit list of NEET (UG)-2022 will be required to appear at their own cost in the counseling/interview on the specified date and time for verification of certificates and identity etc. else they will lose their claim for enrollment. .
  • No claim for enrollment will be made if the candidate himself/herself appears for the counseling/interview in the original certificates/documents etc.
  • If by mistake, a candidate is allowed to appear in the counseling of UGMAC-2022 which should not have been received otherwise and this mistake is detected at any time before or after the enrollment, he/she will be eligible to enroll in spite of being included in the merit list. Your claim for rights will be lost. If any statutory dispute arises in this regard, then in such a situation the nomination order will not be issued to the candidate till the final decision is taken in this matter.
  • No vacancies will be filled again in any of the concerned institutes/courses after the declared date of closing of the enrollment process.
  • All disputes related to the operation of UGMAC-2022 and the application forms related thereto shall be filed only within the jurisdiction of the courts located in Patna city and the same shall be valid. For the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board, the controller of examination will be the only legal person through whom the board can file a suit or a suit can be filed against the board.

Mop-up Counseling

Fresh online registration and application form submission are invited from such qualified, eligible, and interested NEET(UG)-2022 candidates for appearing in the MOP-UP Round Offline Counseling of Under Graduate Medical Admission Counseling (UGMAC)-2022 [Ayush], who are not admitted in any Ayush Courses of Ayush Institutions of India, on the vacant seats of Government/Private Ayush Colleges after admission on the basis of UGMAC-2022 [Ayush] Online 2nd round counseling.

Candidates who have been admitted to any Government/Private Ayush College in India prior to the completion of AACCC Round-2 or State Round-2 Counseling are ineligible for MOP-UP round counseling. As a result, such candidates should refrain from applying for this counseling. 

The concerned candidates are requested to download the information, read it, and complete the process in accordance with the details of the above advertisement in order to attend the (BAMS / BHMS / BUMS) Mop-up Counseling.

Counseling will be conducted Offline at BCECE Board, IAS Bhawan, Near Patna Airport, Patna-800014.

For PG

Procedure for Online Submission of Application Form, procurement of Prospectus and Counselling Fee: The Prospectus for appearing in PGMAC (Ayush) 2022 for PG Courses can be downloaded Online from the BCECE Board’s website: by clicking on the link “PGMAC (Ayush) -2022 [MD/MS (AYU/ HOM/ UNANI)” under Prospectus Section. After that click on “Online Application portal of PGMAC (Ayush) [MD/MS (AYU/ HOM/ UNANI)]-2022  and follow the instructions appearing on the computer screen.

The process is the same as the follow-up section of UGMAC (AYUSH) 2022.

Counseling Fee: The counseling fee to be paid through payment modes is Rs. 2200/- (Two Thousand Two Hundred) only for all categories i.e. (Unreserved / SC / ST / EBC / BC / DQ) candidates.

Counseling/ Interview:

Candidates will be called in order of merit for counseling/interview and personal appearance to verify original documents and identity. The allotment will be done on a Merit-cumChoice basis based on the AIAPGET-2022 merit list. Later changes to the selection will not be permitted. Candidates who arrive late for counseling may be considered, but placement will be based solely on the available vacancies at the time.

For all details check its official site (BCECE Board’s website):

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University muzaffarpur affiliated colleges

List of Affiliated Ayurveda Colleges

Sr. No.Affiliated colleges to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar UniversityLocation
1Govt S.D. Ayurvedic Med. CollegeBuxar
2Govt S.K. Ayurved Med. CollegeBegusarai
3Govt S.Y.N.A. Ayurvedic Medical CollegeBhagalpur
4Govt. Ayurvedic Med. CollegePatna
5Govt. Tibbi Medical CollegePatna
6Nitiswar Ayurvedic CollegeMuzaffarpur
7Shri Moti Singh Jageshwari Ayurvedic College & HospitalChhapra

List of Affiliated Unani Colleges

Sr. No.Affiliated colleges to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar UniversityWebsite
1Nezamia unani medical college & hospitalBodhGaya, Gaya
2ZH Unani Medical CollegeSiwan

List of affiliated Homeopathy Colleges

Sr. No.Affiliated colleges to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar UniversityWebsite
1B. N. M. Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalSaharsa
2Dr. Halim Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalDarbhanga
3Dr. P. B. S. Gaya Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalBodhgaya, Gaya
4Dr. Yadubir Sinha Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalLaheriasarai, Darbhanga
5G. D. Memorial Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalPatna
6Gaya Homeopathic Medical CollegeGaya
7K. N. Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalBhagalpur
8Kent Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalHajipur, Vaishali
9Magadh Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalBihar Sharif, Nalanda
10Maharshi Mehi Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalKatihar
11Mangla Kamla Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalSiwan
12Muzaffarpur Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalMuzaffarpur
13Patna Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalPatna
14R. B. T. S. Govt. Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalMuzaffarpur
15Rameshwar Das Kedia Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalMotihari, East Champaran
16The Temple of Hahnemann Homeopathic Medical College & HospitalMunger

Frequently Asked Questions

When Was the Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University established?

Dr. Babasaheb Ambed Kar university established was in 1960.

Is Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzzafarpur a recognized University?

Yes, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzzafarpur is recognized and Approved by UGC (University Grant Commission) and also has a membership of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). ‘NAAC’ Has credited university ‘A’ grade

What is the official website of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzzafarpur?

The official website of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzzafarpur is

What is the location of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur?

The Location Of  Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzzafarpur is Muzaffarpur, Bihar

What are courses available at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzzafarpur is Muzaffarpur, Bihar?

The University Provides Varieties of Courses such as BAMS, BHMS, MD/ MS, Diploma, BDS, MDS, Nursing Courses, and PG and UG Courses. Also, the university has made available various vocational courses PG and UG Courses for Students 

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