Ayurved Mahavidyalaya &  Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon is well known Private college in Maharashtra. The Trust established Ayurved College and Shri Eknath Hospital in 1999 to bridge the gap between the ever increasing demand for Ayurvedic personnel in rural areas and the widespread chronic diseases and problems. The college has all of the specialized Ayurvedic departments required by the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) in New Delhi. Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, is affiliated with the college.

Ayurvedic laboratory facilities are adequate for undergraduate training and research. The college also offers extension OPD services to nearby villages, which are attended by students and interns who are supervised by senior staff. In addition, the college offers extended OPD services to nearby villages, which are attended by students and interns under the supervision of senior staff. Shri Eknath Rugnalaya, the college’s teaching hospital, offers Ayurvedic treatment in all specialties. Routine and specialized diagnostic procedures, as well as advanced panchakarma treatments, are carried out.

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon Highlights

College NameAyurved Mahavidyalaya &  Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon
Popular NameAyurved Mahavidyalaya Shevgaon
LocationVidyanagar, Mumbai, Agra Mahamarg, Nangaon, Dhule – 424 004
Affiliated withMaharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik
Approved byCentral Council of Indian Medicines
Hostel FacilitiesYes
College TypePrivate
Official Websitehttp://ayurvedpravara.com/
CategoryBAMS Colleges in Maharashtra
UG Entrance testNEET Exam conducted by NTA 
ContactAddress: Akhegaon Road, At/post- Shevgaon,Tal-Shevgaon, Dist-Ahmednagar,State-Maharashtra Pin 414 502.
Admission Helpline no: 9289495501
E-mail: ayurcollege_shevgaon@yahoo.com


  • Library
  • Hostel
  • Canteen
  • Laboratory
  • Hospital
  • Medical Facility


  • Kayachikitsa 
  • Rachana Sharir 
  • Shalakya Tantra
  • Rasa Shastra
  • Samhita 
  • Sharir Kriya 
  • Dravyaguna
  • Stri Roga 
  • Pachakarma 
  • Kaumarbharitya 
  • Rognidan 
  • Shalya Tantra
  • Swasthvritta 
  • Agad Tantra
  • Sports
  • Library

Faculty and Staff

To emerge as a college of excellence in the continuous pursuit of quality by providing globally competent higher level Ayurvedic education and to evolve in response to changing news of the time, with a focus on serving especially rural society.

  • To promote value based education and research driven health care.
  • To promote and facilitate growth in the fields of Ayurveda and holistic Indian medicine.
  • To facilitate the provision of Ayurvedic education, training, research, and extension activities at all levels of health care, including primary, secondary, and tertiary care.
  • To provide panchakarma therapy to rural people, particularly the poor and oppressed.

Courses Offered

BAMS4 and ½ years + Internship training programme – 01 year.

UG Course Intake Capacity


PG Courses

Name of CourseM.D/M.S. (Doctorate of Medicine / Master of Surgery in AYURVED).
Course DurationThree year (3 Years).

PG Intake 

01M.D. Ayurved Samhita evam Siddhant05
02M.D. Rachana Sharir06
03M.D. Dravyaguna Vigyana03
04M.D. Rasashastra evam Bhaishajya Kalpana06
05M.S. Prasuti evam Stri Roga03
06M.D. Kaumarbharitya – Bala Roga06
07M.D. Kayachikitsa06
08M.S. Shalyatantra03
09M.S. Shalakyatantra06


BAMS Syllabus

We will let you know about Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon BAMS Syllabus here this selection. Let’s have a look.

First ProfessionalSecond ProfessionalThird ProfessionalFourth Professional
Padartha Vigyan And Ayurved ItihasDravyaguna VigyanAgadtantraKayachikitsa
SanskritRoga NidanSwasthavrittaPanchkarma
Kriya SharirRasashastraPrasuti Tantra Evum Stri RogaShalya Tantra
Rachana SharirCharak SamhitaKaumarbhritya ParichayaShalakya Tantra
Maulik Siddhant Avum Ashtang HridayaCharak Samhita (Uttarardha)Research Methodology And Medical Statistics

BAMS Internship

Here this selection will let you know about BAMS Internship. Let’s have a look.

Sl.No.DepartmentsDistribution of six monthsDistribution of twelve months
(i)KayachikitsaTwo monthsFour Months
(ii)ShalyaOne monthTwo months
(iii)ShalakyaOne monthTwo months
(iv)Prasuti evam StrirogaOne monthTwo months
(v)Balroga-KaumarabhrityaFifteen daysOne month
(vi)PanchakarmaFifteen daysOne month

Fees Structure


NEET AYUSH Cutoff 2023

NEET AYUSH Cut Off is the minimum qualifying score that aspiring candidates need to achieve in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) to secure admission in AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) courses.

The cut-off is determined by the regulatory authorities and varies each year based on factors such as the number of applicants and the difficulty level of the exam. It serves as a benchmark for selecting candidates for AYUSH undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various colleges and universities across India. Meeting the NEET AYUSH Cut Off is essential for aspiring students to pursue their dreams of studying AYUSH disciplines and embarking on a career in alternative medicine.

NEET AYUSH Cutoff 2023

CategoryPercentile NEET cut-off marks 2022NEET cut-off marks 2023
UR/EWS50th percentile720 -130720-137
OBC40th Percentile136 -107136-107
SC40th Percentile136 -107136-107
ST40th Percentile136 -107136-107
UR / EWS &PH45th Percentile136 -121136-121
OBC & PH40th Percentile120 -107120-107
SC & PH40th Percentile120 -107120-107
ST & PH40th Percentile120 -108120-107

AIAPGET 2023 Cut-Off

CategoryAIAPGET cut-off marks 2019AIAPGET cut-off marks 2023
UR/General351-121To be announced
UR-PwD120-111To be announced
OBC120-101To be announced
OBC-PwD110-101To be announced
SC120-101To be announced
SC-PwD110-101To be announced
ST120-101To be announced
ST-PwDTo be announced

Ranking and Reputation

Name of InstituteAyurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon

Contact Details

Address: Akhegaon Road, At/post- Shevgaon,Tal-Shevgaon, Dist-Ahmednagar,State-Maharashtra Pin 414 502.

Admission Helpline no: 9289495501

E-mail: ayurcollege_shevgaon@yahoo.com

BAMS College Predictor

BAMS College Predictor employs a novel algorithm that analyses the opening and closing ranks of the previous year’s Ayush counseling data to determine the best college for you to pursue Medical Studies. It forecasts your chances of admission to the medical school of your preference.

BAMS Admission Consultant thoroughly helps students with Ayurved counseling and top Ayurved colleges criteria.

NEET Counseling Experts

To know better, NEET Counseling Experts have developed user-friendly tools to assist in determining students’ goals. To receive assistance throughout the entire NEET Counseling process, till you are admitted to your preferred medical college. 

AYUSH counseling expert

AYUSH counseling experts with over years of experience offer their experienced counseling services so that even individuals with low NEET scores and limited financial resources might gain admission to their respective AYUSH courses.

Eligibility Criteria

To apply, applicants must have passed the 10+2 exam or an equivalent examination from a recognized educational institution.
Applicants must have a minimum of 50 % marks in 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English as required subjects, with 40 % marks for SC/ST applicants and 45 % marks for PwD students. For international students, a comparable qualification that has been authorized by the institution will be accepted.
Entrance Exam:NEET Entrance Exam
NativeMaharashtra residents
Age:At least 17 years old

Eligible for PG:

Qualification Have completed a B.A.M.S. course
Entrance ExamAIAPGET by NTA
InternshipCompulsory Rotating Internship completion certificate at the time of counseling.


A candidate can register for Maharashtra State Ayush Counseling 2022 by visiting the official webpage of the Directorate of Medical Education and Research, Maharashtra.

Candidates who are found to be eligible during document verification and have obtained an Acknowledgement of Document Verification can only fill out the Preference Form on the official website: https://cetcell.mahacet.org/.

Log in with your Application No. / User-name, Password, and Document-Verification-Code.

Choice Preferences & Locking:

After Login, Preference Form will be presented.

A single Preference Form should be submitted by each candidate. After completing and submitting the Preference Form, there will be no opportunity to fill out a new Preference Form or amend the preferences.

Candidates can fill a Minimum of 1 preference and a Maximum of 300 selections.

To display the next TAB for the following 100 preferences, you must click “SAVE Preferences” with all 100 filled preferences.

To complete the Choice Preference Form, the candidate must click “Lock Preferences” option.

Candidates can alter preferences and save preferences before locking preferences by logging out and back in many times.

Please double-check your Preferences before pressing the Lock Preferences button. 

In any case after final submission, change of Preferences after locking is not allowed.

For the final submission, click “FINISH” on the TAB, and then click “Lock Preferences”. “Lock Preferences” TAB will open, and you must click checkboxes as you check all of the preferences, and then click “Lock Preferences”.

If the Candidate fails to “Lock Preferences”, his/her Preference Form will not be stored and will be rejected.

After submitting the form, please acquire the printout of the Preference Form.

Seat allotment: 

The candidate’s seat will be assigned based on the merit list and institutional preferences indicated in the online application form.


The candidate must report to his or her chosen college for eligibility verification, document verification, and a medical checkup. Candidates must present their original documents/credentials for verification.

Application Form Fees for Admission:

Fees for applying online for Post Graduate Unani, Homeopathy, and Ayurved Courses is Rs. 3000/- including any relevant bank charges paid through the payment portal. This money cannot be refunded.

Counseling Process:

An applicant who is accepted in the first or subsequent rounds of the selection process but does not enter the institution or cancels their admission after joining will be assumed to be uninterested in the admission process and will be disqualified from all following CAP rounds, including MOPUP round(s). Such a candidate would not be considered for any seat during the CAP round of the NEET-UG 2022 admission process.

Candidates who were chosen in the previous round will be considered for advancement in the next round. The phrase “advancement” refers to the candidate’s increased preference. Except for those who have completed the ‘Status Retention Form,’ the shift in such a case will be necessary and mandatory. 

A candidate who has completed the Status Retention form will not be considered for any further rounds of the selection process in the years 2022-2023. Along with the selection list, the deadline for completing the Status Retention Form will be announced.

It is expressly stated that shifting due to a better choice made by a candidate in any round will occur only if the applicant is declared eligible for a ‘change of course’ or a ‘change of college’ in the subsequent round(s). The mere potential of a ‘change in the category’ due to the availability of a seat in the same college and/or same course in the subsequent round(s) will not constitute “advancement” as such, and hence no shifting will occur.

Except for those who have filled out a Status Retention Form, the shift in this direction will be compulsory. There is no way to revoke or cancel status retention once it has been filed.

Submission of the Status Retention Form:

The status retention form should not be filled if a candidate who has been assigned a seat desires to participate in the next/successive rounds.

If a candidate assigned a seat does not intend to participate in the next/following rounds, he or she must complete the Status Retention Form.

The candidate has the option of completing the Status Retention Form. Institutes should not make candidates fill out a Status Retention Form.

Rounds Filling Process

Fill out the form within the specified time frame, and the seats they occupy will be eliminated from consideration for the remaining admission procedure.

Applicants who were given seat(s) in the earlier round(s) and started the course, as well as candidates who were not allotted any seat, would be eligible for the subsequent round(s) after the first round is completed.

Candidates who have already been assigned a seat will be given improved opportunities in the following rounds (s). If an applicant fails to enroll in college after being selected in any round, he or she will be disqualified for the remainder of the admission process. Each group’s status retention will be handled separately.

The seat given to such a candidate who does not join would be assumed to be vacant as of and from the date established as the last deadline for joining the college in terms of such allotment. A vacant seat will be filled in the next round of admissions within the timeframe specified.

All candidates who filled out the preference form and were not offered a seat in the first round will be considered eligible for a seat in the subsequent round(s) in each group.

Seats were surrendered across India: If these seats become available, State CET CELL will fill them according to state quota laws. No new preferences will be requested from the aspirants to fill these seats. These seats will be added to the seat matrix and distributed according to the preferences (choices) expressed by eligible candidates through the online preference filing system.

Mop-Up Round (s) : If seats remain vacant after two or more CAP rounds of seat allotment for Government/Corporation/Private aided/Private Unaided/Minority colleges due to non-allotment, non-reporting for admission and resignation after joining, or any other cause, those seats will be filled in the Mop-Up round (s). In due course, the details of the CAP Mop-Up round will be announced on the website.

A) MOP-UP Round(s) Eligibility:

1. All applicants admitted in the first round, second round, and third-round who have gained admission but have not completed the status retention form in their particular group.

2. All applicants on the waitlist whose option was unavailable during the first and second rounds in their respective group.

B) MOP-UP Round(s) Non-Eligibility:

1. A candidate who has been assigned a seat in the automated CAP rounds but has not yet been assigned to a group.

2. Candidates who have completed the status retention form 

3. Candidates who have joined and then quit after receiving seats in prior rounds..

For PG:

Maharashtra AYUSH PG 2022 counseling method is detailed in this section. For further details, please read the following section:

  • Visit the Maharashtra Online Portal’s official website (https://info.mahacet.org/mahacet) for further information.
  • Fill in all of your essential information, as well as any additional required information, as directed.
  • You can acquire your login ID and password after completing the online registration process on MP Online.
  • Keep your login ID and password safe in case you need them again.

For students’ allocation process seats in Maharashtra Ayush AIAPGET 2022 counseling, there will be three rounds of counseling (first, second, and mop-up).

Online Registration Fees

Candidates who want to participate in AYUSH PG Counseling must first register and pay the fees on the official website. The fees imposed by the authority are listed below, according to the candidate’s category.

CategoryFee (Rs.)
General/Unreserved & OBC-NCLRs. 2500/-
Gen-EWSRs. 2250/-
SC, ST, PwD and TransgenderRs. 1750/-

Documents Required

  • Nationality, a valid passport, a domicile certificate, or an HSC/12th-grade school leaving certificate are all required. Stating the candidate’s nationality as “Indian”
  • Age Certificate (S.S.C. Passing Certificate) 
  • Caste Certificate
  • Degree Certificate 
  • MCIM Registration Certificate / MCIM fee Receipt in case of out-of-state candidates. 
  • Copy of Downloaded Online Application form of Competent Authority, Maharashtra. 
  • Any Photo ID proof. (Aadhar card, Driving License, PAN card, Passport, Voter ID).

For PG Candidate

Candidates must provide the following documents in original for verification during admission, and one attested copy set of the following documents must be submitted during counseling.

  • AIAPGET 2022 scorecard
  • AIAPGET 2022 Admit Card
  • AIA-PGET 2022 Mark Sheet Downloaded
  • Mark sheet of BHMS 1st, 2nd and 3rd-year examinations
  • Qualifying examination certificate, i.e. BHMS Degree Certificate 
  • Permanent or provisional certificate provided by Central Council of Indian Medicine
  • Internship completion certificate issued from the Head of the Institution
  • 10th standard certificate as proof of birth
  • Valid Government Identity proofs (Driving License/ PAN Card/Voter ID/Passport or Aadhar Card)
  • PwD certificate, if required.
  • Caste certificate, if required.


What is the Official website for Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon?


Which university is affiliated with Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon?

Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik (MUHS, Nashik).

What is the location of Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon?

Akhegaon Road, At/post- Shevgaon,Tal-Shevgaon, Dist-Ahmednagar,State-Maharashtra Pin 414 502.

When was Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon established?

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon was founded in 1999

How many BAMS seats are there at this institute?

This Institute has 100 seats available for the BAMS course.

Is Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon a government or private college?

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon is a private college in the state of Maharashtra.

Who is in charge of AIAPGET Counseling?

AIAPGET is counseled by the AYUSH Admissions Central Counseling Committee (AACCC).

How can I take admission into Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon?

To get admission in Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Shri Sant Eknath Ayurved Rugnalaya, Shevgaon students must perform well on the NEET exam.

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