Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital, Chandigarh

Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital, Chandigarh (HMC Chandigarh) is a well-known Private Homoeopathic College in the city of Chandigarh. The college, also known as Chandigarh Homoeopathic College, was founded in 1974. Affiliated with The Punjab University in Chandigarh and it has...

Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital, Chandigarh

BHMS Colleges in Chandigarh There are over 200 Homoeopathic medical colleges, with over 42 of them being government institutions (including grant in aid) whereas there are only 1 Homoeopathy medical colleges in Chandigarh. A Bachelor's degree in Homoeopathy is now...

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